Colum’s letter to Santa Claus as dictated to me.
Note how he begins to trail off at the end and starts looking around the room for clues.
Dear Santa Claus,
We love you. We like your toys, and we love your malls, and we love your shop, and we’d love some binoculars and a telescope and a new light bulb for my floor and some bubble bath and some dolls and some dragons and some shoes and a toy waffle maker and a dot, too.
3 replies on “My 3-Year-Old’s Wish List”
That’s awesome!
What I did for Ava was write a small thing about how Ava’s been a good girl and here are some of the things I’d like but know that only one gift will be received. And then we cut and paste pictures of toys she wants out of a Zellers flyer and she coloured a picture and signed her name at the bottom…
She never got a letter back though :( I thought they always did that. I’m kind of disappointed.
That sounds so sweet. I don’t know about the letter back either because I never did get around to mailing that Santa letter. Mom fail.