Let’s say you happen to be a clerk at a store,
And a woman sneaks in right before closing with her four-year-old son in tow.
She asks if it’s too late to buy some cheese.
You are lovely and fetch some from the back.
All is well.
Until you look at the boy while ringing up the purchase,
And say, “I had a treat for you earlier, but they’re all gone now.”
We made it out to the sidewalk before his face started to crumple,
And the crying started.
Oh, for heaven’s sake, I tried to assure him.
It’s just a crappy little candy they give out sometimes.
I’ll give you a better treat at home.
In future then,
Do refrain from taunting the children about the treats you no longer have.
It’s not like they’re expecting anything in the first place.
2 replies on “Cheese and Whine”
It is really amazing sometimes how clueless adults (who really should know better) can be about kids. So sorry for your little guy! Disappointment strikes hard in children. I remember feeling like missing out on a piece of candy was the end of the world.
Good Grief! Will they ever learn not to tempt a child…not to make a promise with no intentions of keeping? They may as well have just snatched the lolli from babies hands!