
The Snow is Here

The kids were so excited this morning. “Look, Mommy, it’s snow-y outside,” Irene practically sang as she jumped up and down in front of the window. Colum started crafting elaborate plans involving snow angels and snow men and all manner of snow-things.

I let them out into the backyard for two minutes while I set up Irene’s stroller to walk Colum to the school bus. In those two minutes, Irene thoroughly soaked her mitts, leaving her with little bright red fingers for the entire walk there and back, and Colum managed to wedge snow into the space between his coat collar and his hat. This after a full ten-minute bundling-up session.

After school, we will shovel the driveway and the walks and brush snow off the car and track puddles throughout the house.

They are so excited and I am not. But I really wish I were.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

One reply on “The Snow is Here”

I miss being able to see snow as a wonderful, fun thing, instead of a pain in the arse. I have been hoping that seeing it thru the eyes of my daughter would change my mind, but no. Now it’s an even bigger pain because of all the extra bundling I have to do to her.

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