I think I’m approaching a place — if not quite of zen-like serenity — of at least calm acceptance and lessening anxiety. [Oh god, there are not one, but two flies in this office. They keep landing on my hands as I type and buzzing around my face and I cannot manage to swat them. Om.] Partially, this is because I’m 35 weeks tomorrow which is really the home stretch, so I had bloody-well start accepting things.
Part of it is because we have managed to clear out and paint the third bedroom and located most of our newborn apparatuses (apparati?). I’ve also been relieved of the bulk of my paid work which kind of sucks because there goes the bulk of my income. But it’s also kind of a relief because I no longer have to worry about working ahead and figuring out how to cram a newborn into my already hectic WAHM schedule. This means I’ll have most of September to seriously clean, organize, nest and otherwise get ready for baby. (It also means I’ll be posting more here and including more PR and sponsored posts — heads up! — and writing more elsewhere too, eventually.)
I think part of it is also that I’ve been feeling better. There are still aches and pains, but the alarming, mobility-robbing pains I was having in my pelvis throughout the second half of my second trimester are much less severe. This could just be because I’ve been trying to do less and have learned what will cause a flare up and what helps with one. Who knows? Or maybe knowing that the birth is around the corner means I’m less concerned about coping with achy ligaments and trick hips for a just few more weeks.
I’ve even taken the time to sit quietly at night and feel the baby moving and squirming and kicking me in the ribs. (Either that or punching me; we’re not a hundred per cent sure if this babe’s head down yet.) I’m trying to relish these last weeks and days of being pregnant, looking down in awe at how my body has accommodated a growing baby and more than a few extra pounds of maternal fat stores. I’m anticipating what it will be like to hold a newborn baby once again and enjoying watching the older kids get more and more excited as the due date nears. This will likely be the last time I get to do this, so it’s nice to be able to live in the moment.
2 replies on “Calm Before the Storm”
Sweet post. I just found out I’m pregnant for the second time (and this will be my last), and I’m getting wistful thinking about those kicks in the ribs.
Enjoy the Home Stretch Mama!