
School Shoes Blues: Skechers Review and Giveaway

Note: We have our winner!

School these days, guys.  School these days. Are you with me?

It feels like nary a day goes by when I’m not on Twitter all, how does a book fair work? Or, why won’t the school bus pick up my kid? Or, why can’t I send cupcakes for my kid’s birthday but I can donate them to the bake sale? And, really, what is with the Photoshopped backgrounds in those school pics? Pathetic.

So clearly I was all over the social media complaining about this new-to-me policy requiring indoor and outdoor shoes. I mean, of course I will send my kid to school in boots and have him change into dry shoes during the winter. But in September a pair of special indoor shoes he can wear to gym class and another pair to wear outside means two pairs of running shoes. I would have to buy another pair of the same kind of shoes in the exact same size just because … why? … because we’re all too precious to have outdoor germs mixing with our indoor germs? I must admit, I don’t get it. But, according to everybody on Facebook and Twitter, this is the new way of doing things.

I was pretty thrilled, then, when Skechers sent me a pair of sneakers from their Hot Lights line to try out. (Not because I was complaining, silly! I don’t have that kind of sway. This was pure luck.) I’ve always liked Skechers: they are comfortable, supportive and durable. (In fact, Colum already had a pair.) These would be sensible shoes for wearing in and around the classroom. Perfect.

Uh, did I mention that they light up? And not in some rinky-dink, stupid blinking lights kind of way either. The shoes shoot out a glowing white light from the clenched waterhog teeth emblazoned on either side of the toes with every step. Colum LOVES them like no boy has ever loved a pair of shoes. He is prone to fits of jumping around in front of people with a goofy grin on his face trying to show off his new flashy kicks. Even I have to admit they look pretty cool.

So take a super cool light feature and add flexible rubber soles, a shock absorbing midsole, a cushioned insole and easy-to-do-up zigzag velcro straps and you have a pair of runners I totally recommend. Colum’s been wearing these for a couple weeks now and the shine still hasn’t worn off.

Wanna win a pair? Drop me a comment about your biggest school-related peeve and I’ll draw a winner next Friday night, November 25th. The winner will be sent a gift certificate so you can shop for your own size and style. (They also have SPARKLES for the girls.) One entry per person and Canadian residents only.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

8 replies on “School Shoes Blues: Skechers Review and Giveaway”

My biggest pet peeve? Well, I hate that there is no lunchroom in the schools any more. The kids sit at their desks to eat lunch every day, precisely where they sit to do their work through the day. I don’t like that my 7 year old has the potential to be in the same spot – never mind the same room – all day, if it’s a weather-mandated-indoor-recess. Grr! That said, I’d *love* me a pair of cool sketchers! :D

My personal pet peeve (Although, I’m with you, Michelle!) is the ball playing after school. It’s usually not even the kids who attend her school, but the older ones from the middle school. They come and throw tennis balls against the wall (and windows) of the school in the same place that parents need to hang around to wait for their kids to come out. I’ve been hit and so has Kee. While I’m glad to see them being active, I really wish that the school would designate an area for it so that I don’t have to be worried about being hit in the face all the time.

And considering that I bought the wrong effing indoor shoes and they don’t have a non-marking sole and now I need to get her some new ones – I’d love a pair of Skechers!

My biggest pet peeve is litter-less schools. I love the environment friendly approach but I hate that all garbage comes HOME for me to throw out and for me to PAY for at the curb (per bag) . I get sticky stuff in every lunch bag cause empty fruit cups etc all come home . yuck. I would love these shoes :)

My daughter is only at preschool so I have yet to have a pet peeve…although if I had to pick one current one it is the older children distracting the preschoolers as they wait with their parents to collect siblings!

Rebecca, I’m sure you can relate to this one. What about no f**king recess for kindergarten kids!
Please excuse my asterisks, I didn’t mind so much in the beginning of the year when it was lovely weather and pleasant to leisurely hang out after school. But with the colder weather it could be great to know that they get a little energy burnt off before coming home.

So in 1.5 years of Kindergarten my son has brought home *maybe* 2 painted objects, 1 sculpture-ish project, and had a handful of music classes. We like our school, we do, BUT I’m shocked and “Peeved” (capital P) about the crazy lack of creative opportunities for the kids!!!
Some flashy Sketchers might take the edge off :)!

I also have issues with the “litterless lunches”. My kids’ school is too busy working on their Eco School certification to figure out what works for kids. What is not Eco-friendly about an apple? Litterless lunch policies mean that if my kids bring an apple to school, and don’t eat the whole thing, seeds and all, they have to put the gross, slimy core back into their lunch bag. How can schools be “eco schools” without green bins?!?

I miss art, real art where kids make stuff out of things. I also miss school concerts, you know where the whole school gets involved and sings/acts/dances. I am a teacher without a full time job but if when I had one I made sure those things were happening, they do not happen for my kids and it makes me sad for them

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