
Sandwich It! From Leftovers to Lunch

Last night was so wonderful. I bathed the girls, put on their pajamas, brushed their teeth, read them a book, sang them a lullaby and put them to bed. I repeated as needed until they both stopped screaming at me. Then I got Colum a post hockey-practice snack, checked  his homework and sent him up to bed.

THEN I emptied and loaded the dishwasher, washed all the pots and pans, swept the floor, tidied the cupboards and set about making inspired and delicious school lunches. It’s the best part of my day!

Are you buying this at all? Not even a little bit? Of course not. We are halfway through the school year and, let’s face it, if we can pull clean underwear out of the dryer in the morning, that’s a pretty big win for the whole day. I’m not sure how my life turned into a revolving door of, “I can’t wait until the next school break!” and “Omfg, when are these kids going back to school?” But there you have it.

And that is why this idea is pure genius.

You know those few bites of leftovers you have at the end of a meal? The little bit that’s not enough for another dinner but your husband puts in a Tupperware container in the back of the fridge anyway so you can clean out the moldy mess two weeks later? Yes, I think you do know. Why not take whatever’s left over and instead make a tasty sandwich or two out of it for tomorrow’s lunch? I CAN’T BELIEVE I DIDN’T THINK OF THIS MYSELF.


First I made a wonderful chicken caesar salad from scratch and then put it in this plastic take-out container. There was some left over.


I opted for the Ancient Grains bread because it’s my kids’ favourite. Ha!


Caesar salad dressing on both pieces of bread, top with leftover chicken caesar salad.

finished sandwich

Ta da! That actually looks better than the dinner did.

Pure genius, I tell you.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

22 replies on “Sandwich It! From Leftovers to Lunch”

I keep hearing about “turkey dinner” sandwiches. You put cranberry sauce on the bread, and some of everything that’s leftover from dinner (meat, stuffing, vegetables hell, maybe even spread gravy on a piece of bread and cranberry on the other) between the bread et voila! Just like you described in your post above. Personally, I love meatloaf sandwiches, as well as ham sandwiches with slices of cheddar; roast beef sandwiches are pretty yummy too. Hey – turns out I like a lotta sandwiches! :)

Pasta and meatballs would make a super yummy sandwich (yes I know carbs and carbs but live a little)… I think as long as you toast the dempsters almost any left over would be neat!

I always have leftover Tandoori chicken because my kids love it on a sandwich the next day with lots of lettuce and mayo.

I used leftover chicken to make chicken salad with mayo and a spash of balsamic vinegar. Sometimes add chopped celery or apple or even Pear slices. Taste great Cook once eat twice!

Any kind of chicken, pork or beef! Lol. I think leftover lasagna would be great on Dempsters bread!

I love to use leftover chicken or turkey for sandwiches

Haha, couldn’t see my previous comment from the mobile site. Please disregard the double post ;)

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