
Momosphere Recap: Mommy Business Trips, Drunk Reese and More

•  The Wall Street Journal stole the show late in the week with an article belittling mommy conferences and their attendees. The indignation was immediate (and I’m sure it will continue well into next week.) The article leads with an interview with Katherine Stone of Postpartum Progressand makes the case that conferences are nothing more than dressed up “mommy business trips.” They are excuses for moms to escape the day-to-day and have fun with their girlfriends under the guise of professionalism.

There’s certainly something to that perspective given that only a relative handful of the 5000 attendees at Blogher, say, are really running their blogs as a business. It is beyond me, though, what that has to do with a well-established and successful blogger like Katherine Stone. Here’s Stone’s response  and Cecily K’s wrath on Babble, Joanne Bamberger’s tidy rebuke on Broadside and Jessica Gottleib reminding us that if we brand ourselves as mommies, then we should hardly be surprised when everyone else calls us mommy too.

I don’t doubt that the article was little more than a sensationalist pageview grab. Then again, I am now subscribed to the Wall Street Journal.

•  It was otherwise a mostly quiet week from where I sit (which was just fine by me). We all gossiped about Reese Witherspoon’s drunken antics when her husband got charged with a DUI, but that got stale fast. Lego’s opening a school in Denmark and the Duchess is still pregnant and planning to stay with her mum for a bit (gasp!) when the baby’s born.

•  But before we eagerly move on to lighter times and let the horrors of last week fade away altogether, read this TwoBusy post on Dadcentric. It’s a stirring and poetic account of a family trapped in their home with a madman on the loose. Nothing happens and everything does. It’s blogging at its best.

More of me. Other stuff I wrote online this week (and last, in this case):

Can A Woman Rape a Man? Our Double Standard When It Comes to Sex Assault at

10 Things You Need to Know About Justin Trudeau at

Clever or Crass? Playtex Animal Ad Campaign Aims to Help Keep Your Pecker and Your Beaver Clean at

Image credit.


By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

2 replies on “Momosphere Recap: Mommy Business Trips, Drunk Reese and More”

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