Where do I even begin, dear readers?
How about with the basic grammatical convention of only using capital letters to begin a sentence or to demarcate proper nouns? Uppercase letters are not sprinkles. You don’t scatter them willy-nilly throughout your sentences.
There’s a minor spelling error. “Maks” should obviously be “makes.” No biggie. Proofreading is clearly for schmucks.
But what the hell is that comma doing? “…love a man more, then when she …” Actually, I guess it almost makes sense when you use “then” rather than “than.”I loved him more, then I went to sleep. I can see that. But that’s not what this is saying! The comparative phrase they are looking for is “more than” and the last thing you need is a comma between those two words.
Other than that, it’s a nice enough sentiment, I guess.
I try not to be a grammar snob on the internet because, whatever, it’s only Twitter/Facebook/a blog/The Atlantic. But screw that. It hurts my grammar-nerd heart because language counts. It means something. As long as we are sharing the printed word more than ever before, why not do it justice?
There’s no shortage of beautiful song lyrics and poetry to inspire us. Why not share those with the applicable Amazon link instead? It’s not just the internet anymore, after all. It’s where we live half of our lives.
tl;dr version: Proofread your Facebook posts, you twits.
Image source. (This is the Facebook page I happened to snag it from. I have no clue what the original source is.)
6 replies on “Be Still My Grammar-Nerd Heart”
You are my people.
That is all.
Ha, Ali! I knew you would like that one.
Your so right! ;)
sounds a little arrogant. Maybe they didn’t have access to higher education due to financial reasons :(
I can’t even look at it! It makes me twitch! But then again, I can’t even enjoy a menu without noticing spacing, grammar, and typos errors! It’s a problem.