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Stress-Free Family Dinners

So, family meals. Stressful or not? Ha!

I got to chat with Buzz Bishop, Calgary radio host and DadCAMP blogger, and Laura O’Rourke of Mommy Miracles about family meals the other day. It was a fun talk and I may have even picked up a few tips. 

Of course, you know me. No picture-perfect family dinners here.

There are days when we are all yelling at each other at the table and I find that if I just put everything into perspective and let the 4yo leave the table and not worry about the 6yo eating with his hands and let the 1.5yo eat off my plate, life is generally better.

Check out the rest at The All Good Blog by McCain!

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.