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Fun Mealtimes

Life with kids isn’t all bad. Shocker, I know! When we do manage to all finally sit down together as a family for a meal it’s often a great time to connect, have fun and make special memories.

The second post based on the conversation I had with Calgary radio host and DadCAMP blogger, Buzz Bishop, and Laura O’Rourke of Mommy Miracles focuses on those good times and is live at the The All Good Blog by McCain.

I’m so glad I was reminded of this family dinner moment:

Once my 4yo started launching into a story about an assembly at school and how she’d seen her brother there. He chimed in about how he’d seen her too and how they’d waved. It was this long winding narrative that they were telling together and they were both so happy about it and I felt like it was a pivotal moment for sibling bonding.

Seeing my kids develop their own special relationships with one another is possibly my favourite thing.

Go read the rest!


By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.