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Grown-Up Meals

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The last post for The All Good Blog by McCain that came out of the conversation I had with Calgary radio host and DadCAMP blogger, Buzz Bishop, and Laura O’Rourke of Mommy Miracles is all about eating without kids. Now you’re talking!

Actually, as I read it over, I realized why my wedding anniversary just came and went without even the passing thought of dinner reservations.

A proper, adult night out is SO MUCH work. I have to start planning for it first thing in the morning, really. Isn’t that pathetic? I’ll have already lined up my mom to come sit, but I don’t want her to have to do anything besides hang with the kids. So I’ll try to get any deadlines met or loose ends taken care of in the morning and then spend toddler naptime showering and choosing an outfit, rushing around the house trying to tidy up and laying out the kids’ PJs on their beds. After school I rush whoever has homework up to take care of it, make them a light snack and then pop a frozen pizza or chicken fingers or whatever in the oven.

Inevitably, when my mom arrives I am still in the washroom putting the finishing touches on my makeup and hobbling around on one high-heeled shoe trying to figure out where one of my daughters made off with the other one.

Check out the rest to see how I stumbled on my new favourite pastime: date night in.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.