
Stuff I’m Digging: TSO Young People’s Concert Pianorama

TSO Pianorama

I’m a big fan of the Toronto Symphany Orchestra’s Young People’s Concert series. This series is aimed for kids 5 to 12 and is a fun way to introduce children to music beyond Taylor Swift.

The upcoming Pianorama concert sounds like the perfect way to spend a wintery Saturday afternoon. ItĀ  features superstar pianist Emanuel Ax and young pianists from around Toronto. The 15 different piano players will trade off between movements, round robin style, Ā as they perform playful pieces, such as Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy and The Carnival of the Animals.

There will also be specialĀ appearances, via video, from the Toronto Zoo andĀ activities put on by the Toronto Zoo in the lobby 30 minutes prior to each concert.

February 7 at 2pm and 4pm
Roy Thomson Hall 60 Simcoe Street

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.