
Wild Things on the Big Screen

My Facebook newsfeed last night was filled with clips of children’s shows posted by my single friends. My gut reaction was that these people were treading on my turf. This blog is hot, after all, and clearly everybody wants a piece of the mommy action. Turns out the buzz is actually about the Spike Jonez directed film adaptation of Where the Wild Things Are that is set to hit theatres on October 16th. Maurice Sendak’s story is one of our favourites at bedtime and quite possibly the last book I’d ever expected to see made into a movie.

I don’t know quite what to make of this. The screenplay was co-written by Spike Jonez and Dave Eggers! (Nobody could have guessed those two would get together.) And there are lots more superstar names to fill out the cast: Forest Whitaker, James Gandolfini, and Catherine O’Hara for example. The trailer looks pretty good, I must admit, and the Arcade Fire song works well. As noted by a reader on Cinematical, though, the trailer doesn’t exactly project “kiddie movie”. I’m sure grade school kids will eat it up, but it may be a bit dark for my three-year-old. (Though his first movie ever was Wall-Ewhen he wasn’t quite two and a half. I know. At least it had a happy ending.)

Check out the trailer for yourself:

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

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