
A review every Monday!

It’s early days still, here at Playground Confidential. That means lots of detailed technical crap for me to sort through while I’m getting my bearings and finding my voice and fine-tuning the focus and structure of this site. One of my objectives is to be informative as well as entertaining and thought-provoking. To that end, then, I’m instituting four regular features. A What’s On category will list upcoming family friendly events in the GTA. I’ll have to see about a system for rating or recommending events. I’ll post a tip or try-this on Wednesday and tackle a timely parenting related issue on Fridays. Mondays will alternate between book reviews (of both children’s books and those for mom and dad) and reviews of some product/toy/gizmo. I’ll fill in that basic structure with a variety of more personal posts.

So, next Monday, look for a book review at the start of your work week.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.