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All Natural, Vegan and Delicious

When I got home from the Blogher Conference I dumped all my swag onto the dining room table and there it stayed for a long time. Too long. I picked through it every now and then, using what I could, putting away others. And every time, there was this packet of two “totally natural,” vegan Ginger Snapper cookies that got pushed off to the side. Eventually, I got peckish enough to try the cookies.

Vegan: blech, right? That’s what I thought. But these cookies were delicious. In fact, ALL the varieties of New Moon Kitchen (I’ve since learned) are incredibly tasty. They’re also nut-free (and made with organic spelt flour and no preservatives) and are great for school snacks and lunch treats. Just keep the Momints chocolate-mint cookies all to yourself. Trust me.

Here’s an interactive map to tell you where in Canada you can pick up a pack for yourself.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.