
Another Housekeeping Fail


The weather is starting to turn.

The night air is carrying a bit of a chill,

And baby footsies need to be covered.

Thus we discovered the distinct lack of suitable pajamas in Irene’s drawer.

Not to worry, I thought,

I’ll just pull down the next size of Colum’s old baby clothes.

So if Irene’s nearly 11 months old,

Then I’ll need 12 – 18 month pj’s.

Hmmm.  Could it be? Could it possibly be?

That huge pile of too-small clothes yet to be put away on Colum’s dresser?

The two boxes overflowing with size 2 clothes …

And 18-month-sized stuff?!?

I guess a year and a half wasn’t enough time to find another box,

And make my way to the closet.

For shame.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

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