
Holiday crafting with Rebecca

Here’s a fun holiday craft you can try.

Christmas craft fail

First you shape willow branches into the form of a ball. Paint and apply glitter.

Kidding! I got these at Dollarama. I thought it would be fun to hang them on the tree in the front yard since our house is older than dirt and doesn’t have any electricity running to the outside. Not an exterior outlet for Christmas lights. Not even a porch light.

Mary was napping and Ed was washing dishes so Colum, Irene and myself went out to tidy up the front yard and string up the ornaments. It went a little like this:


Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These

A partnered post with ShopNBC.

A mattress saved my marriage, people. Pretty much.

For ten whole years my husband and I slept on a double bed. It was a double bed that belonged to one of his grandparents; we’re not sure which one. Note that both those grandparents passed away before we had even met, one of them at home, in his bed. So this bed was what? Twenty? Thirty years old? At least. It was bumpy and lumpy and the unmistakable bony finger of a spring pushing into my side was a nightly treat.

Did I mention it was a double bed? And that I now have three children? Early in this latest pregnancy with Mary, my bed stopped being a place I could relax and maybe even sleep (gasp!). Instead, it was the site of kicking and pushing and wriggling as one and then two of my kids tried to squeeze into the few inches of space between Ed and myself every single morning. Even when the kids were safely tucked into their own beds, an unfortunate turn or a mistimed toss meant I’d have someone snoring directly into my ear. We were painfully aware of each other’s every kick, twitch, scratch and involuntary muscle spasm (ahem, Ed). I had taken to hugging the edge of the bed, scarcely moving at all in my sleep.

About half way through the pregnancy we stumbled across a deeply discounted, top quality, king sized mattress and box spring set. Then the heavens parted and angels sang and we all held hands and danced around the bed, swathed in pure light. Well, not exactly. We still couldn’t really afford to spend the money, but we could at least scrape together just enough. We made a split-second decision and decided to go for it. After all, pregnant with my third child, I figured there would never be a time I needed a decent bed more.

Ladies and gentlemen, that may have been the best thing we have ever done. It’s definitely top five material. Six months later, I still can’t get over how big and comfortable the mattress is. I sometimes wake up at night and I’m not even sure if Ed is in the bed. I have to prop myself up on one elbow and lean forward, reaching way out to feel that, yes, he is in bed. Living with someone for over ten years is trying enough without pissing each other off while you sleep!

And the kids. I have woken up surprised to find all three of my children lying next to me. (Surprised and alarmed since one of them is only a couple months old. “How many times do I have to tell you to keep your rock collection away from the baby?!”) The first thing we did when the bed was delivered was to lie down on it — the four of us side by side by side by side not even touching, not even close. We laughed and we laughed and, really, we’re still laughing.

Well, maybe not Colum since he’s still sleeping on one of those Ikea foam mattress things. I really should do something about that.

This post was written in partnership with ShopNBC. You can give the gift of sleep this year by
ordering one of the ever popular Serta mattresses online at sites like ShopNBC and having it
delivered anywhere in the US.

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Tiny Tech Toys: Hexbug Nano Review

Parents of boys, I’m talking to you. Your homes are already overflowing with all manner of Lego and sports gear and action figures and baku-poke-digi-whatever-mon. What else is there to make a special impact this holiday?

Two words: Robot. Bugs.

The first time I saw a couple Hexbug Nanos ricocheting around a little box in a kids bedroom, I thought they were cute. Then I got bored. Colum, on the other hand, was enthralled. Too bad for him, we weren’t staying, so that was that.

Until now.

The Hexbug people sent me a generous selection of Nano bugs and their various habitats to try out. We are little Hex crazy around here. Colum can spend a solid hour watching these robotic critters jitter around, making their way through paths, up and down ramps and over bridges. He loves opening and closing gates and rescuing them when they stray. They’re fun!

I also like that they’re an example of technology that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a lit screen. Anything that’s real-world interactive will beat out a video game any day in my books. They’re little robots that kids can pick up and learn how they work. And the habitats! They bounce around in hexagons that connect to one another in a myriad of ways, with so many different possibilities to explore. (Colum is still a bit young for reconfiguring the habitats himself, but I love that he’ll be able to grow into the toy too.)

Starting at $25 for the basic Habitat Set with two Hexbugs (guys, it also comes in glow in the dark), it won’t even break the bank. Of course, the more bugs you buy and the more add-ons to your habitat the better (bridges and ramps, oh my!), so proceed with caution. They also take special batteries, so you’ll want make sure they get turned off before your kid wanders off.

Of course, just because I think boys will go gaga over these nanobots, doesn’t mean girls won’t also like them. Check out the Hexbug website for the full catalog; you can order from there, too. And, don’t tell Colum, but I even tucked a few bugs away for stocking stuffers.



There he was moving, barely moving, across the ice.

Thirty-six pounds of five-year-old determination.

Goalie pads almost as big as him.

His first ever game,

The first of the season,

Played not in the local house league rink,

But at the big-time minor pro arena downtown.

There he was standing in front of (and underneath) the net,

Leaning forward and focusing and falling down,

Falling down on the puck even,

Once or twice.

So little.

But also.

So big.


This Post About Sponsored Posts Was Paid For By Nobody

I got an email the other day informing me that someone had unsubscribed from my blog. At first I was pretty excited. I mean, someone had actually subscribed to my blog! Then it hit me. Aw, they don’t like me.

Or maybe they don’t like all the blog tours, sponsored posts and reviews I’ve been doing lately. I get that, I really do. In fact, for a long time I refused to write anything for compensation on principle. I would sell ad space and I would do the occasional product review, but my editorial content would remain completely unsullied by corporate monies. The only problem is that it’s very hard to make much money selling ad space on a blog unless you’re Dooce or somebody. I was lucky to cover to my hosting fees.

Sponsored posts also seem to have become more common all of a sudden. (Or maybe the FTC rules about disclosure just made me realize how common they already were.) Hey, I know that just because everybody’s doing something, doesn’t make it all right. But it does make it seem less gaudy, you know? And as long as there is full disclosure about compensation, advertorial copy is no worse than ads running in the side bar from an ethical stand point. Back when people used to write undisclosed sponsored posts? That was unethical.

And then I had another baby. As a self-employed freelancer, I don’t get a paid maternity leave. Instead, I get to cut back on the amount of work I take on and try to make ends meet with that much less money. A recent hike in our insurance premiums and property tax rates, coupled with the cost of another human in the family means that a drop in the family income is kind of a big deal. In short, I need the money. And as far as making money goes, blogging is my most favourite way.

So here’s the deal, dear readers. I will keep doing sponsored posts, blog tours, campaigns and product reviews, but I promise you two things:

  1. You will always know when I’m being paid to write on a topic. I will, from now on, disclose that at the very top of a post. (I have always disclosed compensation, but it used to be at the bottom of the post.)
  2. I won’t cheat my blog, my readers or my sponsors by phoning in these posts. I will put just as much story-telling effort into a sponsored post as I do my regular ones. These are advertorial spots that are paid for, but my stories are as sincere as ever.

Also note that accepting any sort of advertising or advertorial content is not an endorsement of everything a company sells or does or has done in the past. (No more than buying a product in the supermarket is.) I’ll use my best judgement when deciding if something is a good fit for the blog, but I’m not running corporate background checks either. Product reviews are not paid, but I tend not to post bad reviews unless something is horrifyingly, dangerously bad. If I don’t think a product is worth recommending, I just won’t write about it.

Basically, the more (and better) sponsored opportunities I get, the more time I’ll be able to put back into writing about how I forgot to look in the mirror all day and only just now realized I have a sparkly butterfly sticker on my hair. And that’s really what’s best for all of us, isn’t it?


Hold Tight, It’s Holiday Shopping Time: Empire Theatre Holiday Gift Card Campaign

Remember when your biggest holiday challenge was coming up with the perfect present for your boyfriend? Well, it was that and picking up a Kris Kringle gift for the guy with the sweater vest in the cubicle by the washroom. THOSE WERE THE DAYS!

Christmas is a whole other ball of wax when you have kids, isn’t it? Suddenly, it’s all about them and everybody else is just an after thought. And the older they get and the more you have, the harder it gets. Colum is five now and every year I look back on the previous year and think,” Oh, that was easy. I wish it could be like that again!” I should have realized that a two-year-old would be happy with a chocolate bar and a tennis ball — that Santa would be just as amazing having spent $20 or less. But I didn’t and now I’m really going to have to spend some money and source some actual, cool gifts to make the holiday magic happen.  God knows what I’ll have to do next year. And, of course, I get to multiply that stress times three.

That’s right, triple the stress for my three kids and then add the anxiety of shopping for their grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. It starts to get a little ridiculous. And I’m pretty sure ridiculous levels of stress and anxiety aren’t what the holidays are truly supposed to be about. (They’re really about gorging yourself so full of food that you can’t get your Spanx back up after using the toilet, right?) So if there’s any way to make shopping easier,  I’m all over it.

I know there are people out there who don’t believe in gift cards, but they’re just wrong. Gift cards are easy, fit any budget and people can use them for something they really want. My favourite are the ones that actually buy you a night out. (Can you tell I have three kids? I can’t even tell you when I last went to see a movie!)

Right now is sweetening the pot even more by throwing in $30 worth of coupons for every $30 in gift cards purchased. You can bundle those discounts at the snack bar and at the door with your gift card or keep them for yourself. Buy an Empire Gift Tin for an extra buck, you won’t even have to worry about wrapping it and that dollar will be donated to the Kids Help Phone. Get your gift cards in theatres until December 24 or online by December 18th.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Empire Theatre Gift Card Holiday Campaign by Mom Central Canada.  I received compensation for my participation in this campaign.  The opinions on this blog are my own.


Checking in with Mary

This is not a photo blog, I am not a photographer and, yes, these pictures were taken with a phone. Guilty on all counts. I just don’t seem to have the mental energy to express a coherent (let alone entertaining) thought today. But I assume most of my readers are really just hoping for a glimpse of newborn baby cuteness and don’t actually care about what I have to say. So here you go, baby gawkers. Don’t say I never gave you anything.







School Shoes Blues: Skechers Review and Giveaway

Note: We have our winner!

School these days, guys.  School these days. Are you with me?

It feels like nary a day goes by when I’m not on Twitter all, how does a book fair work? Or, why won’t the school bus pick up my kid? Or, why can’t I send cupcakes for my kid’s birthday but I can donate them to the bake sale? And, really, what is with the Photoshopped backgrounds in those school pics? Pathetic.

So clearly I was all over the social media complaining about this new-to-me policy requiring indoor and outdoor shoes. I mean, of course I will send my kid to school in boots and have him change into dry shoes during the winter. But in September a pair of special indoor shoes he can wear to gym class and another pair to wear outside means two pairs of running shoes. I would have to buy another pair of the same kind of shoes in the exact same size just because … why? … because we’re all too precious to have outdoor germs mixing with our indoor germs? I must admit, I don’t get it. But, according to everybody on Facebook and Twitter, this is the new way of doing things.

I was pretty thrilled, then, when Skechers sent me a pair of sneakers from their Hot Lights line to try out. (Not because I was complaining, silly! I don’t have that kind of sway. This was pure luck.) I’ve always liked Skechers: they are comfortable, supportive and durable. (In fact, Colum already had a pair.) These would be sensible shoes for wearing in and around the classroom. Perfect.

Uh, did I mention that they light up? And not in some rinky-dink, stupid blinking lights kind of way either. The shoes shoot out a glowing white light from the clenched waterhog teeth emblazoned on either side of the toes with every step. Colum LOVES them like no boy has ever loved a pair of shoes. He is prone to fits of jumping around in front of people with a goofy grin on his face trying to show off his new flashy kicks. Even I have to admit they look pretty cool.

So take a super cool light feature and add flexible rubber soles, a shock absorbing midsole, a cushioned insole and easy-to-do-up zigzag velcro straps and you have a pair of runners I totally recommend. Colum’s been wearing these for a couple weeks now and the shine still hasn’t worn off.

Wanna win a pair? Drop me a comment about your biggest school-related peeve and I’ll draw a winner next Friday night, November 25th. The winner will be sent a gift certificate so you can shop for your own size and style. (They also have SPARKLES for the girls.) One entry per person and Canadian residents only.


Poor Irene

Irene’s having a hard time adjusting to life as a middle child. She loves her baby sister, but would like me to put her down every once in a while so I can hug her with both arms. Aw.

She would also like me to drop everything to help her go to the bathroom. But I shouldn’t watch her while she’s going. In fact, could I just stand out in the hall? Now could I help her with the toilet paper — no not like THAT! And she didn’t say pull up her underpants all the way. And, for crying out loud, she can flush the toilet ALL BY HERSELF. And that water is too hot. She’ll get her own soap, thankyouverymuch, but she can’t reeeeach. NO! The stool doesn’t go like that! Not like that either! How can she possibly cope with all this incompetence? She can’t. So down on the ground kicking and screaming it is.

I really don’t know what her problem is.


Sure, I left her sleeping in the back yard after our walk today. But it was a super mild day and I was right there on the deck. I only popped into the kitchen to top up my coffee and fill up the dishwasher and make a quick phone call and check in with Twitter for a second.

And when I looked out at her as I was getting ready to pick up Colum from the school bus I realized right away that it had started raining. I only stood in the doorway trying to zip my jacket up around Mary for a few minutes after that. What? I had to make sure my precious baby would be properly dressed for the weather. Anyway, that’s totally a rain coat on Irene’s lap.

Of course, once we started out to the bus stop and it really started coming down I was going to cover her up with the not-cheap-to-replace Maclaren rain cover. I had no way of knowing that somehow I’d forgotten that the first rule of Fight Club is keep the fucking rain cover in the stroller basket at all times, woman, you can’t afford to buy another one.  Ahem, yeah, it wasn’t in the basket and she got a tad soggy.

I guess between Colum’s school and hockey schedule and Mary’s round-the-clock needs Irene might possibly sometimes get a bit shorted. So the least I can do is let her freak the hell out when I cut her sandwich the wrong way. I’m going to try to remember that.


My Excuse


I really think my mom needs to cut back on her lit-screen media time, okay guys?
So I’m just going to keep her with me and away from all you bad influences for the next little while.
It’s for her own good.


We’re cool, though.