
Reliving My Childhood this Halloween with Allan Candy (Blog Tour)

I’ve got to admit, Halloween is one of the best things about becoming a parent. Trick or treating was serious business when I was a kid; it was practically a sport. My dad would take me and my closest brother out until he was too tired to continue. Then he’d take me back out until the porch lights were turned off and the jack o’lanterns were extinguished. We got a crap load of candy, that’s for sure, but it was about more than that. There was something exhilarating about walking around the neighbourhood after dark, seeing how many houses we could get in. Dressing up was all right, too, I guess, but it was never my favourite part.

So when I finally hung up my trick or treating hat — at the ripe old age of 15 or 16 or so … yes, I was one of those teens — the holiday lost much of its appeal. Oh, I’d scrape together the requisite half-assed costume if I had to for a party or whatever, sure. But mostly I figured that Halloween was for kids and my time had passed.

Until now! Taking my kids trick or treating is every bit as much fun as going myself, if not more fun. There are some hard core trick or treating streets in this ‘hood, too, where people go all out and decorate their front lawns and wait in costume on their porches with bowls of treats. In fact, check out this relic of a blog post from Colum’s first real night of trick or treating. I even love getting the kids dressed up in their costumes. Who knew?

This shit is SERIOUS. ~Colum 2008, age 2 (Not an exact quote.)

Just to make things interesting, of course, Irene had to be born on Halloween. So not only did I have to miss out on Colum’s second year of trick or treating, I now have to figure out how to work a birthday around the most ghoulish of holidays every single year. So far, we’ve done a family birthday party the weekend before Halloween and then just focused on costumes and candy the day of. If she wants to have costume parties for her birthday down the road, then that’s fine, but I’d just as soon keep the celebrations distinct for now.

This year Halloween has brought another childhood favourite back into my life. Allan Candy is celebrating their 77th year and sent me a generous amount of candy to test drive. Remember the Big Foot and Hot Lips? Those are the ones! The Canadian company sells a variety of gummy candy (Intense Jubes and Jellies, Chewy Rascalz and Fruit Buddies) that are peanut-free and individually wrapped. They’re just as good as you remember and perfect for giving out too.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Allan Candy Company program by Mom Central Canada.  I received compensation for my participation in this campaign.  The opinions on this blog are my own.


Pacify This, Mother Sucker

I waited until Mary was three weeks old before giving her a soother as per all the breastfeeding advice you’ll ever hear or read anywhere. (Okay, maybe she was two weeks and five days. As if I’m not riddled with enough guilt that I need your judgment. Lay off already!) After I pushed the soother back in her mouth a few times, she took it. Hallelujah! I was not looking forward to letting a baby suck on my finger to settle down to sleep every time for five freaking months before finally, FINALLY, she deigned to take a soother. (Ahem, Irene.) And for a few blessed naps and car rides she gladly suckled that silicone nipple like it was the best thing going.

Suffice it to say, that didn’t last. Try to slip a soother into her mouth these days and as soon as  plastic meets lip she screws up her face as if to say, “What the hell kind of nipple is that?!” It’s actually quite funny. (Or so I tell myself to keep from drowning in the depths of finger-sucking despair.) So, of course, I tried to stage a soother-rejection scenario for our collective amusement.


That’s right, baby girl, drift off to sleep. Nothing bad is going to happen.


Sound asleep. Nice.


Here, why don’t you take this soother? Mwahaha.


Aaand . . . oh. She took it. SHE TOOK IT! This is so much better than that stupid face. This is amazing. I think I’ll put her down now.


Hm. She spit it out. Well, if she wakes up I’ll just give it to her again. Nothing to worry about. We’ve got this here thing solved, my friend.


Well, that didn’t work.

And that is how I woke up my baby with my stupid blog tricks and didn’t even get the shot I was after. The end.


Buy One, Give One: Seventh Generation Gives to Women’s Shelters

I wrote a post about an eco-friendly company called Seventh Generation a few weeks ago. Remember that? They make household cleaning and baby care products that are gentler on the earth and on us. They also wanted me to spread the word about their commitment to donate a pack of diapers to women’s shelters across Canada for every pack that is purchased during October. So if the promise of greener diapers for your little one isn’t enough to make you want to try Seventh Generation, perhaps helping mothers in need will be.

Seventh Generation also sent me four packages of diapers to donate to the charity of my own choosing. I am thrilled to be able to give them to Interval House, a centre for abused women and children here in Toronto. Often, these women are forced to flee their homes in the middle of the night, leaving everything behind. At Interval House they receive the support they need to start rebuilding their lives, but they can use all the support they can get from the greater community, too. Click here to find out how you can give to Interval House. Here’s a list of the shelters that Seventh Generation is donating to. Or just go out there and buy a pack of diapers before the month is through, why don’t you?



Colum says good bye to his teacher, ” à la prochaine.” One more month and his conversational French will be better than mine.

Irene brings home the sculpture she spent three weeks working on at her preschool. The teacher says it’s the most involved piece of art she’s ever seen anyone under four make. That’s my girl.

Mary stayed awake for an entire hour during the day.

I got the most awesome little boxes at Ikea to help keep my unattainable fantasy of living an organized life alive.


Baby & You on Facebook (Blog Tour)

I’d like to say that I spend my days gazing lovingly into my newborn’s eyes, playing board games with my son and french braiding my daughter’s hair while the rich aroma of hearty, home-cooked meals fills the house. But nobody would believe me. So the truth it is. I sit on a rocking chair breastfeeding the baby while yelling at Irene to stop hitting her brother and pleading with them to just turn on the TV so I might get a few minutes of blessed silence. And the only smell wafting through the room is coming from the bag of dirty diapers.

I might get a few minutes at the computer to check my email or to try to write something on this here blog, but for every one minute spent doing actual tasks, ten are spent ping ponging back and forth from Twitter to Facebook like an ADHD chicken with its head cut off, on speed. Sound familiar?

Yes, I love my social media and chances are so do you. What could be better than catching up with old friends and gossiping with new ones? How about doing all that and saving money at the same time?

The Loblaws company has started a new Baby and You Facebook page for Canadian parents that does just that. Just like the page and gain access to exclusive savings and promotions. They’re giving away Joe Fresh gift cards as we speak! Check back often to check on the deals, read what the in-house bloggers have to say in the Mom Talk and Baby Talk pages, or just hang out and interact with other new parents because all your friends are out partying like irresponsible teenagers. Whatever, you’re not bitter.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go check Facebook.

Disclosure – I am participating in the Baby and You program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Loblaw Companies. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Random Breastfeeding Tip #1

First, feed from one breast per feeding. This helps to make sure the baby drinks past the more watery (and gassy, green poo-inducing) foremilk and gets enough of the calorie-rich, creamy hind milk. I find it also helps to drain the breast completely when dealing with engorgement in the first week or two. It also means you always have an extra stash of breast milk you can dip into later during growth spurts or if baby ever just seems ridiculously famished. Of course, no two milk supplies are the same and some women might need to feed from both breasts every feed. You should take that up with someone who knows what they’re talking about. Because, I digress.

Here’s the real tip: Whether you feed from one or two breasts per feed, you’re going to need to alternate which breast to start with. That means that on top of waking up every couple of hours all night and juggling a constant feeding/diaper changing/napping routine all day, you need to somehow remember which bloody side you’re on. With my first baby I ran the gauntlet of such methods as switching a bracelet from one hand to the other, moving a pin from one bra strap to the other and other maneuvering of one-sided accessories. The problem with these is that you’re never quite sure if you remembered to make the switch last time. I wound up going with the tried-and-true double breast pat in which you try to feel which is the fuller breast. It worked okay, but it’s still not foolproof. (Sometimes a breast might be fuller because you’ve fed more often on that side thus upping the demand for production, so continuing to feed on that side would just exasperate the problem.)

With baby number two, though, I stumbled upon a truly brilliant technique. Take one of those breast pad things designed to keep you from leaking through your shirt. (It can be reusable or disposable, it doesn’t matter. I use disposable; stop judging.) Then, this is important, don’t peel off the sticker-backing strip. Tuck the pad into the bra cup on the side you will be feeding from next. This is the side that will be the fullest and from which you’ll be most likely to leak. Leave the other side padless. That’s right, we live life on the edge around these parts. Then, when you feed your baby, the pad will slip right out of your bra and you just pop into the other side. You can’t forget to do this because what the hell else are you going to do with that nursing pad, right?

I know. You’re welcome. I’m using this method for the second baby in a row now and I must admit it is true genius. Just don’t forget to swap in a fresh pad every day or so because, yeah, sour milk.


Now That’s Positive Energy: Help Energizer Give to Evergreen (Blog Tour)

City living has become a lot greener as of late thanks, in part, to the efforts of non-profits like Evergreen. Evergreen is a national charity that supports greener, more sustainable communities in our cities. (They’re also the people behind the Evergreen Brick Works in the Don Valley — a nature-focused community centre replete with a weekend farmer’s market.) They help to fund and facilitate greening projects at schools, community centres and public spaces in cities across Canada. That’s definitely something I can get behind.

With it’s “Do Something Little, Help Something Big” campaign Energizer Canada has also gotten behind those efforts by contributing $100, 000 to Evergreen. And that’s not all. We can all pitch in by going to the Now That’s Positive Energy website and pledging to do three or more kind acts in our daily lives. For every pledge, Energizer will add another dollar to its contribution.

It didn’t take me any time to pledge my five acts of kindness:

  1. Take shorter showers: Granted, with a newborn plus two under my care this is pretty much a give-me. In fact, I’ll probably even go one step further and skip more than a few showers while I’m at it!
  2. Hang the laundry out to dry (weather permitting): I actually already do this sometimes, but I should do it more often. I love how fresh line-dried clothes smell and I even love the way they look hanging from my two (!) clotheslines that span both my backyard and my parking spots. And with our new HE washer, they don’t even take much longer in the sun than they do in the dryer.
  3. Donate clothes I don’t wear anymore to charity (an act of giving that benefits the landfill too): Oh yeah! With three growing kids (and six plus years of changing sizes pre-post-and-during pregnancies myself) we have a lot of cast offs that should go to charity. I can’t wait to organize those closets!
  4. Do my laundry during off-peak hours: Okay, this one is truly going to be a challenge. I need to get into a routine that involves throwing a load in every evening (or early in the morning if I want to hang dry those clothes!). Too often, I find myself running the washer/dryer and dishwasher mid-day just because if I don’t do it now, when will it get done?
  5. Tell my kids how much I love them: As much as I already do this and enjoy doing this, it’s always good to remember how much it means. At the end of a long day — or in the middle of a meltdown en route to the school bus — it’s easy to forget that I’m not the only one who gets tired and upset. Sometime a simple “I love you,” can make all the difference.

There’s lots of pledges to choose from, so click on over and choose yours. It’s a worthwhile exercise that also gives to a good cause. Win-win!

Disclosure – I am participating in the Energizer Canada & Evergreen “Do Something Little, Help Something Big” program by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Energizer Canada & Evergreen. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. The opinions on this blog are my own.


Hail Mary

Mary Elizabeth Keenan was born at home on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 6:37pm. She was 7lbs, 1oz.

Hail Mary: A home birth story

Here’s how it went down:

I didn’t want to over plan this birth. I didn’t have a play list to labour to or a special outfit for the baby. I didn’t even know if it would be at home or at the hospital. I planned only to keep things flexible. We’d prepare for a home birth in case it seemed best to just stay put, but also have a hospital bag packed if that was the thing to do. However it unfolded would be okay so long as we ended up with a healthy baby.

The only thing I was counting on was that this baby would be born sometime after 38 weeks gestation. Both of my other kids, after all, were born just a couple days before their due dates. Likely this pregnancy would follow suit. So I had planned, you see, to spend this very week right now meeting some last minute deadlines and working ahead of schedule to give myself some time off when the baby arrived. I would write as much as possible now that the school year was finally underway and continue to slowly organize and nest in preparation for the baby. Then, next week when I had nothing but time and energy on my hands (heh), I would write out Colum’s and Irene’s birth stories (since I never did get around to that) and start psyching myself up for the birth.


Instead I woke up to very mild, rhythmical contractions at 5am on Sunday, September 11. They weren’t strong, but they were annoying enough that I couldn’t get back to sleep. So I woke up, tweeted about these silly contractions that couldn’t possibly amount to anything because it was three weeks early, I was far from ready and it was September 11. I took a shower and sure enough, everything seemed to stop. Phew. I decided to try to catch a bit more sleep before spending much of my day writing as planned. On the way up to bed I threw a load of newborn sleepers, onsies and receiving blankets into the wash just to cement the deal. Clearly I wouldn’t go into labour if I was actually prepared, right?

I lay down around 8am, told Ed that I needed to sleep in a bit, and felt myself finally drifting off to sleep when another oh-so-mild, is-it-even-there, Braxton Hicks-type contraction started to wash over me. And then I felt a little pop and a gush of warm water all over my legs and bottom and dammit, I just washed these yoga pants.  Ed grabbed me a couple bath towels which I soaked through almost immediately and then I waddled over to the bathroom to figure out what to do next. Colum was just getting up and I told him it looked like the baby would be arriving today. He was so excited, and I realized this wasn’t the worst thing ever.

We basically swung into action then. I shoved a size-four Huggies diaper into my pants and called the midwife who said labour was likely to begin in a couple hours and that we didn’t need to forget about the possibility of a home birth just because we hadn’t gone shopping for supplies. My parents came to pick up the kids and I dove right into the laundry — baby laundry and also fresh bedding for our new-ish king-sized bed. We washed and folded and moved furniture around (well, Ed did) and made trips to the drugstore (also Ed) and otherwise frantically got ready for labour and a baby until about 4 or 5pm. Huh, still no labour.

So then we waited. (We may also have walked over to the local arena to pay for Colum’s hockey registration. That’s a normal pre-labour activity, right?) And we tweeted about our waiting mostly. You know, things like, “Still waiting!” and “Watching TV now.” After 32 hours of waiting and, uh, a hashtag (#Keenanbaby3 thanks to Emma Willer‘s not-entirely-serious suggestion) it turned out quite a few people were anxiously awaiting news of the birth. Who knew? This is also the time period during the birthing process in which your husband is most likely to take pictures of you and then post them to the internet without your knowledge. Heads up.

Oh, and if anyone is wondering whether the body really does continue to produce amniotic fluid after premature rupture of the membrane, the answer is yes, oh yes it does. An attempt at an evening walk along Dundas St. W. was cut short when the baby’s head, which must have been acting as a sort of cork, got jostled around and a fresh stream of fluid started dripping down my legs. Thank god it was dark. And then the same thing happened the next morning on a trip to Shopper’s Drugmart that sent me running to the full-sized lady diaper aisle for some proper effing coverage.

We were actually at Shopper’s to buy castor oil because after discussing my options with the midwife I decided that neither waiting another possible three days for labour to start on its own or going to the hospital for an intravenous oxytocin drip sounded very good. They both sounded bad enough, in fact, that induction by castor oil (read induction via explosive diarrhea) actually sounded like something I wanted to try. So there we were buying castor oil and lanolin and orange juice and grown-up diapers and refilling my synthroid prescription because for the love of god can nobody ever just walk out of that store with one thing?!

We then popped next door for some McDonald’s breakfast since, hey, whatever I ate wasn’t meant to stay in my body for very long, so I might as well. (Also, coupons.) As soon as we returned home I drank two ounces of castor oil in a big glass of o.j. (Fine, it was Five Alive — like I’m going to spend $5 on real juice just to mix it with something that tastes like Vaseline.) I waited an hour, did some of that work I had hoped to do the day before, and then took another dose. Nothing. I worked some more and then took the final one ounce of castor oil my midwife said most people don’t get around to taking since they are usually already in the throes of bowel cleansing. Still nothing.

I ate lunch, talked to my midwife and decided to take one more ounce of the stuff and give it another couple hours. I started doing laundry again.

Finally, around 4:30pm — over four hours after my original dose of castor oil — I had my first real contraction since my water broke. This one put the ones I’d had the day before to shame, but it still wasn’t totally serious. I went to move the clothes from the washer to the dryer and it is a very good thing indeed that we have a bathroom off the laundry room. The castor oil was kicking in.

By 5:00ish Ed and I had moved upstairs and he was timing contractions while I laboured on and off the toilet. We talked to the midwife at some point who wasn’t quite sure how active labour was. I knew it was on, but it was hard to tell the labour contractions from the abdominal cramps at times. Fun! She suggested we call back in 15 minutes and she’d get ready to go in the meantime. We did call back about 20 – 30 minutes later and now there was no doubt; this labour was in full swing. She said she was on her way but that Ed should call her if the baby started coming before she got there — she’d talk him through it. Whatever, I thought, we’re not that far along.

She arrived sometime between 6:00 and 6:30 and I think Ed was pretty happy to see her. Again, whatever guys. There’s time. The first thing she did after listening to the baby’s heartbeat was to check my dilation to find out when the second midwife (not needed until the actual birth) should come. “Oh yes, she should come now! You’re about six to seven centimetres dilated.” Six to seven centimetres! Then it could still be a couple hours to reach ten, I thought. What’s the hurry? (Never mind that it had only taken me an hour to get to seven — that didn’t even occur to me.)

While the midwife went about setting up her gear, Ed went down to unlock the front door for the second midwife and grab some fresh air and I had about three whopping contractions on the side of the bed. Ed came back up and the midwife asked what position I’d been in for the birth of my first two kids. On my back both times, I told her. I had no choice for Colum since I was epiduraled up and I just couldn’t be bothered to move after the midwife checked my dilation with Irene. “Well, you don’t have to stay on your back this time,” she said. Then I had the biggest mother of a contraction known to mankind at the end of which I felt an undeniable pushing sensation. “Pressure,” I gasped.

“Get on your side!” the midwife instructed. “Now just pant through these contractions. Ha ha ha ha.” Ha ha ha, indeed. Before I knew what was what my body was pushing all on it’s own. “Pushing!” I called out. The midwife took one look at me and said, “Yes, you are. There’s the head. Okay, let’s have a baby.” Then she made me roll over onto my back, of course,  and started giving Ed all kinds of instructions. “6:35,” she called out. My body gave one big push and I did my best to hold back while the head was crowning and then her entire body was born and she lay wriggling and crying on my stomach. “6:37!” Two minutes. Two minutes of pushing! That is some wild, crazy shit right there.

Just then the second midwife came running up the stairs. “Oh no! There was traffic.”

P.S. For all you birth geeks: she was born with a nuchal hand (ie. a hand up by her face) and I still managed not to tear. My first time with no stitches and it’s pretty fantastic, I must say. There was also no hemorrhaging or even heavy bleeding despite the speedy delivery. Hurray for active management of the placenta! And even though this is my third breastfed baby and she was able to master a textbook latch within minutes of being born and is an eager and enthusiastic nurser, it still took a full three days for my milk to come in and she still managed to lose ten per cent of her weight before she started gaining. This breastfeeding business is never easy.

Contests Uncategorized

Seventh Generation Green Cleaning Products Giveaway and Review

I recently got the chance to try out Seventh Generation eco-friendly cleaning products, diapers and wipes. (ie. Full disclosure: I was sent coupons for the products and did not have to pay for them.) Did someone say non-toxic cleaning and baby products? You’d better believe you can count the crazed nesting, pregnant woman in!

As it says on the company’s website, “Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.” You can also find a mission statement and a full breakdown of ingredients for all products on the website.  I, for one, love that their non-scented products really smell like nothing. Artificial fragrances never smell clean to me, they just smell like chemicals. (Blame my mother, the original eco nut.) But for those of you who like a little something fragrance-wise, there are options with essential oils and botanical extracts to keep you happy.

My main concern with eco-friendly products, however, is that they won’t work. It’s all fine and dandy to shell out extra money for gentler products, but at the end of the day I just want my clothes and dishes to come out clean. Sorry mother nature, but I’ve got a lot of laundry and dishes to do — and boy is it dirty.

Well, this stuff works. The Dishwasher Gel worked just as well as the big-name stuff I had been using, if not better. (We are not all equals when it comes to properly scraping plates and loading the dishwasher, know what I mean?) The All Purpose Cleaner made quick and easy work of my mud room/laundry room — because of course all surfaces need to shine before the baby gets here. And the unscented Liquid Laundry Detergent got a big load of our laundry (including my husband’s socks) super duper clean. You can tell because it doesn’t smell like anything at all!

I don’t have newborn poop to contend with just yet, but the Chlorine Free Baby Wipes did a fine job on the peanut butter and jam caked to my two-year old’s face. I like that the Baby Diapers are chlorine and fragrance free. (Can I tell you how much that over-powering baby powder scent in some diapers makes me gag?) Whether or not they’ll contain a serious blowout, though, has yet to be determined.

I’ve seen Seventh Generation products at Loblaws and Metro as well as my local natural food store, The Sweet Potato. Before you run out to buy some, however, join the 7th Gen Nation for coupons, special offers and more. But first, enter my giveaway here for a chance to win a 100% organic cotton Seventh Gen Eco lunch bag as well as coupons for a FREE package of Seventh Generation Free & Clear Diapers, Free & Clear Baby Wipes and dish washing products.

Here’s how it works:

  • Leave me an environmentally-friendly cleaning tip in the comments section. (Don’t forget to fill in your email address so I can contact you!)
  • Open to Canadian residents only — sorry!
  • Contest closes Sept. 16.
  • I will draw a winner using

Disclosure – I am participating in the Seventh Generation program by Mom Central Canada.  I received compensation as a thank you for my participation.  The opinions on this blog are my own.

True Random Number Generator 1 9 3 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

A Vacuum Story

Here is a completely fictional scenario that is not at all about me and my life:

Imagine an eight-months pregnant woman has a deep desire to clean and organize the basement playroom. One evening she asks her husband to carry the heavy vacuum cleaner downstairs so she can suck up all the itty bitty bits of dried up Playdoh that are scattered EVERYWHERE.

The next day she spends the bulk of her afternoon picking up toys and sorting them, but doesn’t have time to vacuum. Before you know it, the kids have spilled the contents of ALL of the toy boxes all over the floor AGAIN. But then, without being asked, the woman’s husband cleans up all of the toys over the weekend!

On Monday morning, however, the woman notices that the floors have still not been vacuumed and the Playdoh bits are starting to spawn snippets of paper and assorted other crap. But her husband did remember to bring the vacuum cleaner BACK UP THE STAIRS without it ever so much as being turned on.

In this purely hypothetical scenario, dear readers, is it safe to assume that the husband has some sort of floor blindness? (And also zero nerve endings on his feet because how do you even walk on that shit?) Perhaps it’s a cognitive defect related to detecting dirty floors in general.

And also crap piled up on surfaces. But that’s a different story.

The End