dear pc,
I am starting to really hate my new parent groups. I have a preschooler and an 8 week old. I am no longer as earnest as I (perhaps) was with my first and I find the other parents annoying in finding the perfect toy or wondering whether their yoga class feeds their soul or should they switch to a weekly massage. Not to mention the recent suggestion that I stay in bed until I feel rested. WHAT? I can’t figure out when in the next 3 months I can get my teeth cleaned. It’s like a GRE question. A massage is to teeth cleaning as…your life is to…? How is sleeping until noon similar to walking on Mars? Will I ever feel understood as a parent of two or am I doomed to continue to nodding with support to that new mama and considering knocking over her latte on my way out?
Dear LauraMac,
I KNOW! I have stared blankly past a new mom who asked whether L’il I did something in her sleep. Wha? If she’s asleep, then I’m doing other things. Or, another favourite is, how many weeks? Huh? She’s just over four months … you’re not seriously still counting in weeks, are you? No, the truth is that I really only pay close attention to L’il I when she’s squawking. And she already knows that she’s going to have to speak up to compete with big brother for my attention. When I finally snuck out for a haircut (the first one in six months) last weekend, my hairdresser wanted to make sure I understood that everyday washing was not good for my hair. I can only hope that it’s not good for the rest of me either.
There are really three distinct sorts of parents that irk me these days. One is the aforementioned new and earnest middle-class mom who spends her days basking in the love of her baby, pureeing local organic produce, and disinfecting wooden toys. (Really, I have an outlook more akin to the teenage mother who shoves a bottle of apple juice in her kids mouth while she talks on her cell phone. Yes, I did puree local organic produce for Young C, and no, I don’t fill my kids up with juice — from a bottle, no less — but it’s all about the disposition.) I’m just not that worried about that kind of stuff anymore. And, more to your point, LM, who has the time or energy?
Second-time moms with a toddler/preschooler in full-time daycare, that’s who. Now, they do have to juggle the morning and evening and weekend chaos, so they’re not quite so bad. And they have been around this block before and are thus less likely to be overly pained at little Lily’s failure to roll over by precisely three-months. (Oh dear, I just had to check the milestones guidelines for that one. I really should put L’il I on her tummy from time to time.) In my neck of the woods these tend to be working moms who can afford the extra help and also really want/need to hold their daycare spot for when their glorious year-long maternity leave is up. (Yay, Canada!) Still, there seems to also be a desire to replicate their first maternity leave and not cheat little Lily out of any of the maternal attentions that big sib had. And they will have time to do stroller-fit and meet for lattes and take a leisurely stroll through the grocery store and catch up on their reading during nap time, etc. These moms irk me because they think they know what it’s like, but they don’t really have to live it all day, every day. Especially when they have a cleaning lady. (Is that not politically incorrect yet? Cleaning person? Cleaner?)
The last parent group is those who got left behind. They have a preschooler, but haven’t yet had another child. Our kids are friends and we used to share a common outlook. Now they just have to learn to shut up. They don’t get it yet, either. Have you tried counting to three? You know, you just really have to set limits for them. C’mon. I’m living in a dwelling half-filled with toys and laundry and cheerios with a screeching baby and the most obstinate preschooler known to man. Patience and calm are a rare commodity and the only kind of disciplinary tactics I can try need to be executed in under two-minutes, preferably from the next room. Eg. “You get down off that dresser right now or there will be no cookies for you.” Bribery, basically. I loved being told that I might spoil my baby by holding her all the time. If only you knew how often she’s left to cry while I tend to one pressing thing or another. You’d better believe that I’ll hold her when I get the chance.
As Sismadly’s comment suggests, parenting two gets easier with time. I’m only a few months in and I can even attest to that. Maybe we just get used to it … ? But she’s also right that others will have to wait to find out. Your new-mom friends will not be able to understand because their lives have been even more fundamentally changed than yours and they are still struggling to fit into their new identity as parents. You know who you are; you just need to fit some time into your schedule for basic hygiene. (Here’s a mildly amusing comparison of new vs. veteran mom.) I was riding the subway home from work shortly before L’il I was born when a woman struck up a conversation with me. You’ll find yourself unshowered and still in your p.j.’s at 2pm she warned. I smiled. I don’t think that’ll be possible this time around, I said. And I was right. In taking care of Young C and L’il I, I need to take care of myself. (Even if I do a crappy job of it.) I need to get out every morning because Young C needs to get out. I need to commit to a routine for the kids and I know how to do that already. And they get to have each other, too, which is what it’s all about. I can’t believe how much they already crack each other up. Just wait for it, LM, you won’t have to wait long.
And then I see the mother of three or four at the playground who looks calm and happy, if a bit bedraggled. Or the families with kids with disabilities. Or the parents who have lost a child. So I reach for another coffee and sneak out for a little alone time in the evenings and look forward to doing it all again the next day.
Keep your questions coming. Write me at and there’s a very good chance that yours will be featured in the March 30th edition of Dear Playground Confidential.