
Coffee Monster


We were chatting in the kitchen,
Tara and I,
When some sputtering and coughing caught my attention.
There she was in the next room,
Standing next to my laptop,
With the last couple cold ounces of my take-out coffee.
Milk, no sugar.
Her head was tilted back and she was gulping it back as fast as she could.
I took it away,
Of course,
And scolded her and reminded her that coffee is not for toddlers.
But then again,
She did miss her nap,
So I do appreciate the impulse.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

2 replies on “Coffee Monster”

What’s with very young kids and coffee? I’m learning that this is a fairly common phenomenon.

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