
Dude, Where’s My Keys

We’ve all been there. You’re frantically trying to make it to school/skating/swimming/ballet/soccer and you finally manage to round up all your kids, dragging the toddler up the stairs kicking and screaming, flinging Cheerios everywhere. You get them dressed to go out: snowpants, coats, mitts, hats, boots, check. You usher them outside with the bag of books/skates/towels/tutus/cleats and go to lock the door behind you. But where are your keys? Double check all your pockets. Empty out your purse. Give the kitchen counter the once over. No, really, WHERE ARE YOUR KEYS?!

Here, parents of young children, is a checklist of places you are likely to find your keys. Because you don’t have time to panic and because I’ve got your back. You might want to print this one out.

  • In the dishwasher
  • In the cutlery drawer
  • In the pots and pans
  • In the freezer
  • Behind the couch (or the arm chair or the TV)
  • Inside the couch, between the cushions
  • In the toy boxes, yes, in any one of them
  • In a kid’s boot or one of your own shoes
  • Between the washer and dryer
  • In the diaper bag (in a diaper!)
  • In yesterday’s jeans
  • Jacket pocket, sweater pocket, apron pocket
  • In the cracker box, next to the raisins, on top of the hummus in the fridge
  • In the car
  • In the door
  • Failing all else, check the toilets and if they’re not there, assume they’ve been flushed

I am completely indebted for the inspiration of this post to the misfortune of my friend Michelle whose keys went missing for the better part of an afternoon and the hilarious suggestions posted on her Facebook wall. A huge thank you, as well, to Mom Central Canada for seeing the potential humour in a piece about lost keys and awarding me a Blogger Grant.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.