Walking through the CNE midway late last night,
We finally spotted a little fishing game.
$5 for 3 fish.
Ed helped Young C catch the first fish with the magnet on the end of his fishing line.
But I was an all star carnival fisher as a little girl,
And saw much room for improvement in C’s form.
I passed Reenie over to her dad and got to work.
“Use two hands, C, like this. Right. Now carefully hold the rod over the fish. You want to touch their heads.”
The third fish he caught all by himself.
He was so proud. I was so proud.
He carried his prize toad all night.
The toad sat beside him on a bench to eat a snack,
He climbed inside army tanks with C and Ed,
And he sat up at the breakfast table this morning.
(Later that night, C also won a small orange fish for his sister.)