
Happy Thanksgiving

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend which means all I have to do is make a cheese sauce to bring to my in laws for dinner. Sweet.

Remember as kids when there was this yawning eternity between holidays you couldn’t even bear to wait until the next one? Now one holiday leads into another and I feel like I am constantly stressing about an upcoming birthday or occasion. Like, I  haven’t even put away the coffee urn from Mary’s birthday party (shut up) and I’m already buying Halloween costumes and thinking about what we’ll do for Irene this year. Plus there’s Thanksgiving, a family wedding and holiday planning is already rearing it’s tinseled head.

I should probably try to revel in the present a little bit more and plan to do so this weekend. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone, whether you’re going whole hog turkey, pot luck or take out.

In “can’t get enough of me” news, I wrote a couple things elsewhere this week:

  • A defense of letting a big kid ride in the stroller for Today’s Parent
  • And a personal essay about how I used Barbies to keep playing with dolls (read keep engaging in narrative-driven creative play) long after I should have been “too old” for dolls on the Barbie I Can Be FB page

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.