
How Do You Really Feel?

“Okay, guys, who’s going to help me make the beef stew for dinner?”

“Not me.”

“Not me.”

“This reminds me of a story about The Little Red Hen.”

“This reminds me,” says Irene, “of a story about a girl with nothing to do with her brother.”



Mary is bouncing in her high chair

As I hand Colum and Irene a bowl of grapes.

“Make sure you don’t let Mary have any grapes,” I warn.

“They are the perfect size and shape to get caught in her windpipe and to stop her from breathing.

Even toddlers need them cut in half.”

“Right, ” says Colum.

“That would make a baby die. Well, first they would choke and then they would die.

Isn’t that right, Mom? They would choke first and then die?”

“Uh, I guess that’s right.”

God forbid we leave out a step.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.