It’s not that I mind having to prepare three meals a day,
Plus snacks,
For my family.
(Although I don’t always love it.)
It’s not even trying to find a balance beetween nutrition and convenience,
Organic and affordable,
Home cooking and home delivery.
(Lest the mom guilt set in too deeply.)
It’s the preparing of meal after meal that is discarded,
Piece by piece,
Off the highchair tray.
The choruses of, “I don’t want that.”
The husband who won’t be home for dinner after all,
And who won’t remember to take his portion for lunch tomorrow either.
I’m beginning to see why everyone else in this family
Is rail thin,
And I cannot seem to lose the baby weight this time around.
Because somebody needs to eat all this goddamned food.
One reply on “Hunger Strike”
*nodding* Yes. Me too.