It’s been a couple weeks since I’ve posted and I want to apologize to both my devoted readers for the delay. I’ve been busy
and haven’t had the time to draft well-thought out opinions on black-focused schools or Bisphenol-A.
I’ve been inspired tonight, though, by Kanye West. What most of us would do in silent prayer, or at a gravesite or while lighting a candle in church, Kanye does in an acceptance speech at the Grammys. He expresses his love for his recently departed mother and vows to become as great as she would want. And that, my two dear readers, is truly the essence of blogging. My innermost thoughts and desires should be published here in real time without benefit of censor or editrix. That’s what the people want. So, I will develop some mature thoughts about books and current events and issues of especial concern to parents. But I’ll try to keep posting during the drawn-out gestational periods those thoughts seem to need.
Picture this: My 21 month old son has never had a haircut and he’s sporting a sort of natural mullet. His fine strawberry blonde hair has grown slowly in the front and falls neatly halfway down his forehead. It then wisps and curls out in all directions in the back, snaking down his neck and sticking straight out. He has, in other words, hockey hair. Appropriately, then, he was decked out in a sweater depicting hockey sticks, skates, a helmet and a net, and jogging pants when a Guns N’ Roses CD started playing. As soon as the first chords of “Welcome to the Jungle” sounded, Colum launched into a frantic dance consisting of countless quick steps and crazy spinning. Before long he was lurching around the room like a drunk and desperately trying to regain enough balance to keep dancing. I guess you can take the rusted-out and broken-down cars off the front lawn, but you can’t beat genetics.
One last thing. The Grammy Awards were not only a source of inspiration thanks to Kanye West. They also featured performances by both Leslie Feist and Amy Winehouse which is a boon for both real artists and real-looking women. That makes me happy.
(Photo courtesy the New York Daily News.)
One reply on “Kanye Inspires”
Your description of his hockey hair and drunken dancing is super-cute. :-)