
My life’s true calling

Shh. I’m not supposed to be here because I’m up against an actual paying deadline, but I finally realized my true roll in life yesterday. After asking Irene to please change out of her school uniform before she spills her lunch on it, I found myself standing over her as she undressed.

“MO-OM! Grrr. I need some help here.”

She stood on  her bed with arms slightly raised, waiting for me to lift the shirt off her head and then put it away, help her on with another shirt, fix her  hair and go downstairs to serve her lunch.

I’m a freaking lady’s maid.

Lady's maid!

Yes, I also just finally watched the first two seasons of Downton Abbey, why do you ask? I pay ridiculous amounts of money for cable (but not the channel that airs Downton, of course) and for Netflix, and that’s all I’ll do. I like to watch one TV show right before bed and if it’s not something I can PVR or find on Netflix I won’t be bothered to dig it up. So enjoy season 4 everybody! I’ll be waiting to catch up with season 3 as soon as Netflix Canada gets around to airing it sometime in the next five years.  In the meantime, I’ll get more than my share of servitude right here.

Update: I totally get PBS and Vision. I just didn’t know. So now I still have to wait for vision to rerun season 3 and record all of season 4 on PBS except for the the season premiere that I already missed. So much figuring out!

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.