It felt like my head had just hit the pillow,
When I awoke to Colum jumping on our bed,
And Irene screaming from her crib,
And the morning sunlight streaming into our as yet uncovered windows.
I think I whimpered.
I got Irene dressed and fed in the time it took Colum to get out of his p.j.’s.
Of course.
Then he tried to escape out the front door rather than put on his shoes.
Rather than go to the doctor, really.
There was much cajolling and pleading and remembering,
“Hey! The doctor has stickers.”
There was tripping over boxes and gulping back coffee and prying random bits of kitchen hardware out of toddler hands.
There was wrestling into car seats and rush hour traffic and $6/hour parking.
But we made it! Just in time!
“Good morning. I have a 10 am appointment for Colum and Irene.”
“I’m sorry. But I don’t see that here.”
“Oh, but I do. I have a card that says 10am, May 5th.”
“I’m afraid it’s only May the 3rd.”
“Oh, I see.”
8 replies on “Like I Have Time For Mornings Like This”
Heh heh.
well at least she can’t say you were late! Perhaps they will give you a grace period on Wednesday so that you don’t have to worry about rushing out the door! LOL
Now you’re talking!
ok, I’m sorry, but that’s funny…..think of it as a trial run for Colum and now he has it out of his system, things will go smoothly on Wed :)
That was smoothly for him!
just great ! too bad the Dr. couldn’t just take you then :)
I’ve actually done this exact thing…taken time off work and everything. My doctor was able to squeeze us in – I think the receptionist could tell I was about to burst into tears.
In retrospect, I should have asked if she could fit us. When the receptionist asked if I could come back, I just muttered, “Yeah, yeah,” and ushered the kids out of the waiting room. Of course, now I’ve had a chance to properly bathe them, so maybe it’s all for the best.