
Morning Mayhem

We had a bit of a moment this morning,

While I was trying to get us dressed and out to the library.


We had a bit of a moment this morning,

While I was trying to get us dressed and out to the library.

Irene was demanding to be held at all times,

And Colum was running around,

And hiding,

And refusing to even try to dress himself.

So I yelled

And wrestled a sweater on over his head.

And he cried hard.

We finally got it together and were on our way

When I stopped.

I paused on the sidewalk to give my son a hug.

I told him I was sorry for yelling and losing my temper.

“And I’m sorry, Mom, for crying,” he said,

“Sometimes kids and parents need to learn to calm down.”

My heart melted.

“Hey! Cal-m down and Colum rhyme!”

Well, kinda.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.