
My Shiner

Let’s just say that Colum and I had differing opinions

On how long it should take one boy to put on one pair of snowpants.

The eye was just a bit of collateral damage.


Do you see that smudge under my eye?


No, it’s not yesterday’s mascara.

It’s my black eye.

Let’s just say that Colum and I had differing opinions

On how long it should take one boy to put on one pair of snowpants.

The eye was just a bit of collateral damage.

It doesn’t look nearly as bad as it hurt at the time.

Then, when I showed the bruising to Colum,

And told him I had a black eye,

He said,

“Oh no, Mommy. When you wake up will it be green again?”

Too sweet, all is forgiven.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.