
She Draws, He Draws


Young C seems to go through kicks,

Know what I mean?

Like he’ll be really into reading books and drawing for a while,

And then suddenly not at all and he’s moved onto cars and trucks and dinosaurs.

Now that we’re housebound during Reenie’s morning nap,

And I need to use that time to do some work,

I just let him play with his cars and animals.

And I enrolled him in an arts-based nursery school two mornings a week to make up for it.

So I wasn’t exactly sure how far his artistic skills had developed,

But I knew we were light-years away from real likenesses.

So when Sylvie posted her three-year-old daughter’s picture on Facebook,

I was floored.

Those are clearly her parents.

(For those of you who don’t know them.)

They even have bodies!

My curiosity piqued,

I lured Young C over to the chalkboard,

And talked him through drawing a person.

3 year old boy's drawing

It’s a self-portrait, of course, with extra-bonus chin hair.

By Rebecca Cuneo Keenan

Rebecca Cuneo Keenan is a writer who lives in Toronto with her husband and three children.

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