“I don’t like macaroni and cheese anymore,” she said out of the blue one morning, putting down her spoon after three bites of cereal because it was getting soggy.
Right then. So let’s break this down. Things my five-year-old daughter won’t eat:
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Any pizza that isn’t cheese pizza. Actually, no, she won’t eat that either.
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Anything “Mexican-inspired”
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Most meat
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Not a big fan of the old chicken finger
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Anything yucky. I’m always trying to pass off yucky stuff on her. You wouldn’t even believe it.
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She will, however, eat this stuff with an astonishing amount of gusto.
Roasted seaweed
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Quinoa and various other grain and bean salads
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Salad Niçoise, the more olives, the better
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Any raw vegetable you can think of
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Egg salad
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Butter chicken
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Margherita pizza from the place with the Neapolitan-style wood-fired oven that cost $16 each
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She’s not a picky eater! She’s a goddamned snob. AND I AM NOT HUMBLE BRAGGING.
It is great that she mostly enjoys vegetables and salads and isn’t put off by stronger flavours. I’m happy for that. But I can’t always be whipping up a quinoa, chickpea, cucumber, tomato and bean shoot salad at the drop of a hat, y’know what I mean? Sometimes we’re out and about and the only thing going is crappy slices of assembly-line pizza. Sometimes the cereal gets a little soggy. And sometimes I just want to be able to make some mac and cheese from a box and move on with my day. And, to tell you the truth, I really, really, miss Mexican food.
I like to call her a fickle eater. Because who knows what she’s going to want to eat next week. The only thing I can count on is that it won’t be cheap.
Anybody else have a kid like this?
2 replies on “Is it still called being a picky eater if she only eats gourmet foods?”
Hilarious, Rebecca. I have all sorts of that going on over here. My kids prefer things like Pho and dim sum to any kind of boxed anything. They also dislike Kraft Dinner and hot dogs and my eldest turns her nose up at any kind of french fry (she’d prefer calamari please and thank you). Sushi is like candy to them. The thing is….I have the exact same eating preferences…too bad about the bank account not being bottomless ;)
Oh yes, she LOVES sushi too. Of course, I’d prefer the gourmet pizza and hand-cut pappardelle tossed in Gorgonzola brown butter too. As you say, not always in the budget.