I slept last night, I really splept.
But that wasn’t the plan.
Irene had been sound asleep since just after 8pm,
But Colum’s bath seemed to have a re-energizing effect.
Finally, at 9:30pm I ushered him to his bed and asked that he be extra careful not to wake his sister.
I agreed to bring him a sip of milk,
And when I got back he had pulled a chair over to the light switch and turned it on.
Irene woke up with a vengeance and would not return to her crib.
Finally I had to crawl in beside her and nurse her and wait for her to fall off.
This baby who has been falling asleep in her own crib since she was a newborn,
This baby who I have never nursed down or rocked to sleep,
Did not want to be left alone.
By the time I crawled out of her crib at 10:30pm,
I had been lulled into a such a sleepy state that I lay down on my own bed “for just a minute,”
Leaving the miles-long list of things I was supposed to do undone.
I am so screwed.