You’ve probably noticed that things have gotten a lot more whiz, bang, blinking advertisement-like around here in the past couple days. This is a good thing. This means that there will be a direct correlation between the number of people who view this website and the amount of money I can perhaps, potentially make off of it. (It’s early days yet, so we still have to see how it pans out.) It will hopefully mean I can spend more time writing here and less time taking on an assortment of other crappy assignments. Or maybe even pay for some child care so I can do both. Imagine that.
I’m excited to be part of She Blogs Media, a new marketing/ad network for Canadian women. They seem to have a good team over there and a solid network of bloggers behind them. They even have hats!
Nothing else will really change around here. I’ll still write about my failed attempts to go to the park without becoming violently ill and our family trips to such glamourous vacation destinations as Brampton, Ontario. I’ll still do the occasional sponsored post because, just like you, I like earning money.
And, guys, you know I have nothing to do with selecting which ads appear, right? I neither endorse nor oppose the companies or products that are being advertised. I simply sell them the space. I’m good with that. I hope you are too.