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Baby Geniuses Family Movie Night

Big thanks to Anchor Bay Entertainment for sponsoring this post.

Ah, the mythical joys of a family movie night. It always sounds so good in theory.

“Let’s make it a movie night, guys!” one of us will say. But then we realize that the kids have already been glued to the TV screen for the past hour and a half. Inevitably, dinner goes late. Movie snacks in the living room are an endless source of pushing and bickering, not to mention crumbs. 18 months turns out to be too young to sit through an episode of Barney, let alone a feature-length movie. And, lets face it, any movie with no violence, sex, foul language or scary scenes is going to be kind of lame.

But we do it anyway. It’s cold outside, guys, I’m tired and the kids really do love it. Most importantly, where else are the children going to learn the art of snarky movie commentary if not at my knee? (No, they’re not allowed to follow me on Twitter.)

So we had a movie night, albeit late and poorly organized, but still. We were together as a family, doing something, together.

Imma be honest and tell you that Baby Geniuses and the Mystery of the Crown Jewels would not have been among my top picks to sit down and watch on my own, but the kids really enjoyed it. Then again, they have been known to watch three or four Power Ranger episodes in a row, so I’m not sure why we’re following their lead. I guess they are a demographic.

My super-sensitive six year old only ran up the stairs out of fear and suspense once. That means the movie is pretty much a zero on the scary scale since Finding Nemo had him cowering in the stairwell no less than a dozen times. The toddler got a huge kick out of the babies her own age starring in the flick. Talking babies? LAUGH RIOT. And the mystery plot line was laid out so clearly that even the four year old could follow along.

As for Ed and myself, we do get a genuine kick out of seeing the kids have fun. And it’s much harder to teach the basics of snarky commentary when the movie’s heroes aren’t talking babies walking around with no pants anyway.

This post is sponsored by Anchor Bay Entertainment. Opinions and words are still mine, of course.

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