
I forgot what day it was and then I walked to the Beer Store. True story.

It’s Saturday! Who ever posts anything on a Saturday? Well, apparently I do now because this blog is the one thing in my life I can make work according to my own warped sense of time.

I’d like to put the garbage out but, oh wait, that was yesterday. I forgot. And now I get to wait another two weeks before I have the chance to put out the garbage. This every-other-week garbage and recycling pick up is all fine and dandy until you miss a day and then, BAM, you’ve got a month’s worth of garbage festering in the July heat, piled up above the rim as you make a sport out of doing handstands on top of it in order to please fit just one more bag of assorted landfill.

I’d also like to bring the two older kids to the arts and crafts class I registered them for at Michael’s. But that was yesterday too. They sat around watching TV instead while I spent the morning opening emails and then peeling a two-year-old off my lap every three minutes. The class is only $2 a piece and they’re offering them all summer but I just feel so defeated. I’d have to go back there in person and figure out another day that works and then — let’s be real — I’ll probably forget about it again.

The girls taking a dip in our pool.
The girls taking a dip in our pool.

I blame the summer. I do. When the kids aren’t in school or camp, there’s really no discernible difference between the days around here. I mean, usually I can keep track because I know that Cosmo TV is rerunningĀ GirlsĀ on Tuesday nights andĀ Last Comic Standing is on Thursdays, but I haven’t even been watching TV this week. You guessed it, because of summer.