
Can’t Blog, Blogher-ing

When I first had Colum I couldn’t understand why I would want to hang out with a bunch of other moms and their babies. I wouldn’t suddenly have more in common with someone just because we both successfully gestated a human being, right? And then I started blogging.

It’s not moms I want to hang out with, it’s mom bloggers!*

This is all to say that I’m off to the biggest female blogger bash in the world tomorrow. The Blogher Conference is in New York City again this year (which is where it was two years ago when I attended for the first time). It will be a four-day, three-night whirlwind of parties and sessions, professional networking and giggling like a school girl with far flung friends, swag grabs and sight seeing, and eating and drinking. I am into all of it. Did I mention that I’m leaving all the kids with Ed? Because I am. Wheee!

I’ll be back here again next week to catch you all up. In the meantime, I’ve gone to the trouble of programming the Olympics in my stead ;)

*Of course I have lots of good mom friends that I’ve met at drop ins and the park and the school yard, too. Don’t get me wrong. There are also no shortage of mom bloggers you couldn’t pay me to hang out with, and many non-parenting bloggers who I would love to have a drink with. There’s just an extra special kind of vibe at Blogher, that’s all.