
Snug As A Bug in a Brown Corduroy Jumper!

I have a new favourite outfit of all time for little girls. (Thank you, Mom.)

Irene got this ensemble as a gift for her baptism last weekend and it is exactly what I’ve been wanting. A corduroy jumper that she can pair with pretty shirts to look cute and girly without being overly dressy. She can romp around in this with best of them and it should stand up to a great deal of wear. And brown and pink? With a polk-a-dot belt? C’mon, too cute.

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Locally-Made Baby Sun Hat

An essential and integral part of parenting, as far as I can tell, is running around in circles trying to find all the gear. Socks, sweaters, mitts, and hats. There’s winter hats and ball caps and sun hats. There’s boys’ hats and girls’ hats, baby bonnets and hats with dinosaurs on them. I know I’ve got hats coming out the wazoo. I still wasn’t quite satisfied with the little tan baseball cap and/or denim sun hat I have for L’il I, though. I wanted a one-hat-fits-all for the summer and, yes, I wanted something a little more girly. (I know. What’s happening to me?) So when I ran around the apartment for twenty minutes last week on the way out to the park and found NO hats, I clearly needed to buy a new one. Right?