

Did you see the buzz about the mom blogger and her daughter who design paper dresses? The story is that the mother-daughter pair like to create dresses out of paper they find around the house and then share their designs on Instagram and their #FashionbyMayhem blog. The dresses, many of which are inspired by movie characters or runway fashions, are really pretty cool. It doesn’t hurt that little four-year-old Mayhem is absolutely adorable too. In any case, the whole story blew up a couple weeks ago and there were stories about Mayhem and her mom all over the internet and beyond.

But there’s  one person I know for sure didn’t hear about Mayhem’s dresses. And that’s Irene.

Because if there’s one thing I don’t need in my life, it’s my kids getting any big ideas about “fun” “craft” projects we can do around the house. It’s bad enough that I let them socialize with children from homes with truly involved and interested parents. Santa even brought them each a crafty gift kit and I promise one day we will sit down and finish them. Other than that, there are crayons and art supplies available to them, but they know I won’t be hanging around to help. First of all, I honestly don’t have time. Secondly, I don’t want to.

I make something every day. It’s called dinner. Roll up your sleeves and grab a spoon or go do something else. I’m happy either way.

So, you have to believe me when I say I have NO IDEA where this came from.