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Making hockey fit

This post is part of and Dodge Grand Caravan’s ”Tales from the Minivan” program. I received compensation as a thank you for my participation. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided by the sponsors.

There was freshly fallen snow that I didn’t take into account when I decided to walk the girls to Colum’s hockey game.

“You guys go ahead,” I croaked, standing over the coffee maker in my pajamas. “We’ll walk over in a little bit to catch the end of the game and then maybe we can go out for brunch.”

It must have been an 8:30am game time because I don’t even bother with the 7am games at all. Sorry kids. My love knows no limits but my tolerance for frigid hockey arenas on cold winter mornings is about as high as my expectation of ever seeing the Leaf’s win the Stanley Cup in my lifetime. That is to say, low.

So I let the guys go ahead and took my time getting the rest of us dressed and getting myself sufficiently caffeinated. All bundled up, I strapped the girls into the sit and stand-style double stroller and pushed it right into a snow drift in the back lane.
