I was tagged in a “5 Random Facts About Me” meme by the talented Susan Goldberg nearly a month ago. I am bad about participating in things like this, so it was only just now, realizing I have an hour before preschool pick up and wondering what I might write in that small window that I remembered about it. (Susan also tagged Sarah Gilbert, Stacy Morrison, Karin Cope and Deb Rox,by the way.)
“Come on, pose for a shot with Mommy.”
Here goes.
1. I’ve lived all my life in Toronto, Ontario (Canada) except for two back-to-back years in Halifax, Nova Scotia and then the Bronx, New York.
Although you’d expect the transition from beautiful, small and picturesque Halifax to the mean city streets of Little Italy of the Bronx to be somewhat traumatic for an insecure 11-year-old girl, the original move from Toronto to Halifax was much harder for me. I did make enduring friendships when I lived in Halifax, though, and my dad continued to work in NYC (commuting back and forth to Toronto) until a few years ago. So there were always frequent visits to the Bronx and I still think of New York as a sort of second home to this day.