
Who Needs Mom of the Year?

I let the kids watch the first period of the Leaf’s game before bed last night. And really, no child should have been exposed to the carnage that was the second period, so it was for the best.

At some point, a Walmart commercial advertising their Mom of the Year contest came on. They were both immediately drawn in the way they always are whenever advertisers and marketers are able to weave their way past all the screens I set up and burrow into their impressionable minds.

As the commercial went on to explain that Walmart wants people to nominate someone they think should win Mom of the Year, Colum’s eyes got wider and wider. He turned to me and his face lit up in a giant, gap-toothed grin.

“You should enter that contest!” he said.

“I don’t know. I don’t think I’m really a good enough mom to win Mom of the Year,” I said.

Now he was standing up, smiling and beaming. “Yes you are!” he said.

He came over and threw his gangly limbs around me in a hug and then Irene said, “Yeah!” and piled on.

And that’s the story of how a stupid Walmart commercial made me day.