Big love to Sears Canada in my final Sears Mom post inspired by the Newborn Nesting event that’s on right now. (Buy what you need anyway and get free money. Score!)
My first-born baby is turning eight years old this week. Eight! That’s a whole two-term presidency. That’s high school twice over. That’s one drawn out university undergrad *cough*. It’s a big number, is what I’m saying, considering I can picture his newborn sleepers and the little striped baby hats like they’re right here in front of me. (Don’t ask me what he wore yesterday, though.)
At the same time, my third and last-born baby is now two-and-a-half, pretty much toilet trained and beyond ready to bust out of her crib. I’m getting ready to break down the last of the baby gear and nursery supplies and give a weepy kiss good-bye to an era. Of course I’m nostalgic! And I keep looking back on what I did the first, second and third time and stupid thoughts like, “If I ever have another,” or, “Next time I’d …” keep popping into my head.
I do hate to waste hard-earned knowledge. But let me save myself some time, money and heartache and just share what I’ve learned about babies with you instead. So much easier!