We flew through the door of the ladies change room
(as much as one can fly through doors with two kids on a sit and stand stroller)
And I started frantically pulling layers of clothing off Colum.
We were running late for swimming lessons:
Preschool I, ages 3 – 5
There are four kids in the class:
Two four-year-old girls and two three-year-old boys.
Colum is not the youngest,
But he is the smallest.
So when one of the girls said,
“Look, Mommy. That’s the boy I was telling you about.
The one who can’t reach the bottom and needs to stand on the table,”
I quickly chimed in,
“That’s right! You get to stand on that cool table, don’t you, Colum?”
But it isn’t enough.
When you are the smallest one in the class and have to stand on a special table,
It doesn’t matter how much your mommy sugar coats it.