
The M Word: Best book bet on motherhood


Shop local, they say. Support the arts. Feed the mind.

Yet here I am shopping the big box stores days before Christmas, looking to buy as many things for as many people for as little as possible. I’m sad I didn’t have my act together sooner. I could have done my holiday shopping sooner, certainly. But, mostly, I wish I’d told you about this gem of a book when it was first released in the early spring — or at least earlier this holiday season.

The M Word: Conversations about Motherhood is a collection of essays, poems and illustrations by Canadian women, edited by local book blogger Kerry Clare and published by the New Brunswick press, Goose Lane Editions. It’ll put a check mark in most of your feel-good boxes.

Of course, that’s not why you should buy the book. You should buy it because it’s a damn good anthology. The M Word holds motherhood up and then turns it this way and that, exploring it from all different angles. The act of becoming a mother is one of the most identity-shaking experiences for most women. It is rivaled only by the decision to not become a mother. And Clare sets it all out for us here, giving voice to motherhood (or the lack thereof) in many of its myriad forms.


Stuff I’m Digging: Planes

It’s a good one, guys. Don’t worry, it’s much more Cars 1 than Cars 2.

To be perfectly honest, I didn’t get a chance to give the first third of the movie my undivided attention. I decided to take the whole family with me to the media preview and, in retrospect, 23 months might yet be a little young for a feature length movie. (I know, I know, but she’s really into airplanes these days and I thought she might enjoy it. ) It’s certainly too young to line up for 20 minutes first and then wait while security rifles through your parents’ bags and frisks them with a metal detector. I’m so glad I didn’t wear my thigh-high phone holster. That would have been embarrassing.

Rattle Tattle

Post Updated

I tend not to complain much. I can probably count the times I’ve returned a product to a store on one hand. I will hardly ever send food back in a restaurant, and I don’t expect kids’ toys to last forever. But this really bothers me. I bought a little Sassy rattle as a stocking stuffer this Christmas. It was over a month before L’il I was actually able to play with it, but it was a perfect little baby rattle — an easy to hold ring with rubber grips for chewing and a soft and cheerful fish. She loved it. Well, she loved it for a whole month before I found it in pieces at the bottom of her bouncy chair.