Thanks to Sears Canada and the Sears Days sale (March 20 to April 6) for inspiring the hunt for the perfect kiddie looks.
Ah, Spring.
I am so happy to see Spring this year that I don’t even begrudge it the foot-deep blanket of twigs that covers my front lawn courtesy of this past winter’s ice storm. Nor will I complain about the afternoon-long clean up of all the wrappers and cigarette butts and miscellaneous garbage that was blown onto my property over the winter. And of course, that’s all just a precursor to the ludicrous spectacle of me trying to actually plant living things in the ground.
I am so deliriously happy to see Spring that I almost brought all three kids to my nearest Sears for a giant spring-clothes shopping extravaganza. (Because Sears Days! March 20th to April 6.) I could just picture it. All three kids trying on fun new clothes while I snapped pictures and made everyone on Instagram jealous of my beautiful family. We’d laugh and listen and no two-year-olds would run screaming down the aisles and pee in the ladies’ handbag section. My five-year-old and I would agree about every single clothing choice and my nearly eight-year-old son would actually want to be there.
Luckily, I pulled out of that hallucination just in time. I still prefer to shop in person, especially with three growing kids whose sizes I can never keep straight. But I’ll save the shopping trip for when I can squeeze in some special one-on-one time with them and use the great selection of children’s clothes available at to jump start the new season for everyone.
Check out what I was able to pull together.