
Spring shopping season is here! (Shut up, it’s a thing.)

Thanks to Sears Canada and the Sears Days sale (March 20 to April 6) for inspiring the hunt for the perfect kiddie looks.

Ah, Spring.

I am so happy to see Spring this year that I don’t even begrudge it the foot-deep blanket of twigs that covers my front lawn courtesy of this past winter’s ice storm. Nor will I complain about the afternoon-long clean up of all the wrappers and cigarette butts and miscellaneous garbage that was blown onto my property over the winter. And of course, that’s all just a precursor to the ludicrous spectacle of me trying to actually plant living things in the ground.

I am so deliriously happy to see Spring that I almost brought all three kids to my nearest Sears for a giant spring-clothes shopping extravaganza. (Because Sears Days! March 20th to April 6.) I could just picture it. All three kids trying on fun new clothes while I snapped pictures and made everyone on Instagram jealous of my beautiful family. We’d laugh and listen and no two-year-olds would run screaming down the aisles and pee in the ladies’ handbag section. My five-year-old and I would agree about every single clothing choice and my nearly eight-year-old son would actually want to be there.

Luckily, I pulled out of that hallucination just in time. I still prefer to shop in person, especially with three growing kids whose sizes I can never keep straight. But I’ll save the shopping trip for when I can squeeze in some special one-on-one time with them and use the great selection of children’s clothes available at to jump start the new season for everyone.

Check out what I was able to pull together.

Casual girls fashion

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Those were the days, my friend. We thought they’d never end.

Big thanks to Sears Canada once again for sponsoring this post.

Mary started to wriggle out of her restraints and climb out her high chair around 18 months. The seat belt adjusting mechanism was crusted into place from two kids’ worth of dried on crud. I tried to keep her in it. She kept climbing out. I’d turn around to tend to something on the stove and she’d be standing on her highchair tray. She finally started hang dropping to the floor and taking off in whichever direction she pleased.

“She’s done here, ” I said one day.

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Wish listed

A big shout out to Sears Canada for sponsoring another #SearsMom post.

We found ourselves at the mall a little over a week ago and Santa was there with a big, old easy chair, some dude in an elf get up and a camera crew. I saw my kids’ eyes light up, so I went over to the woman selling photo packages and asked if we needed to buy pics in order to visit with Santa. She said we didn’t so we lined our three, ketchup-streaked kids with messed up hair and rumpled school uniforms up behind two girls in formal holiday dresses. There was one kid on Santa’s lap and another kid screaming out of sheer and unmistakable terror while his parents kept laughing nervously and trying to coax him over toward Santa. They did this for a solid five minutes which feels like a long time when you’re standing around with three kids trying to keep the magic alive. I guess they were really invested in that holiday shot. I dunno.

Anyway, we finally got our kids up to the big man with the beard. They kind of gathered around his chair and Santa asked what they want for Christmas. Mary was quite sure she wanted a present, Irene came up with some line about a doll you design yourself and Colum could not for the life of him come up with anything to ask for. You know, I try to manage material expectations around here, so it looks like I’m doing an all right job. It’s not that they don’t want anything so much as that they don’t sit around dreaming about stuff. They took their candy canes and we shuffled off quickly so some paying customers could get a turn.

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Christmas magic

Excited to kick off my role as a Sears Mom Ambassador just in time for the holidays!

We must have been up past two in the morning that Christmas.

We came home from celebrating with my in-laws late on Christmas Eve and put the kids straight to bed. I ran around picking up the stray toys and wrappers and assorted clutter. I brought out the secret stash of Santa gifts and sorted out what was for who. I set out some milk and cookies and took a bite of one. Okay, maybe I had more than that.