
Milking It, From Breast to Bottle to the Rest

This post is part of Mom Central Canada blog tour for Natrel Baboo.

Baby Mary is 14 months old now which puts her well past baby food and on the verge of trading in her bottles for a steak knife. Part of that transition involves switching from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk. Or, better yet, introducing cow’s milk as a compliment to breast milk and a balanced diet.

I remember when Colum turned a year and I pretty much instantly started offering him cups of milk with every meal. Here was a baby who had only ever had breast milk or water to drink his entire life and now I was feeding him relatively large quantities of milk all at once. Looking back, I wouldn’t be surprised if the slow weight gain and loose bowel movements he experienced after his first birthday were related to that. It’s quite possible he had some difficulty properly digesting the milk protein.

I introduced milk a little more gradually with Irene and didn’t have any problems (though she was skinny too) and planned to do the same with Mary. By the time she was 13 months, however, I noticed the same loose stool as Colum had and wondered if it was related to the newly introduced cow’s milk or a recent virus or both.

So it was pretty perfect timing when Mom Central Canada offered me the chance to try out a new transitional milk by Natrel. Natrel Baboo is milk that has been altered to meet the needs of toddlers between 12 and 14 months. It has less protein than regular cow’s milk (woot!), more milk fat and added omega-3 and vitamin C. Head over to their website for even more detailed information about the product.

After a couple days of Baboo in her sippy cup (in addition to breastfeeding and a healthy diet), Mary’s bowel movements returned to being well-formed and regular. Of course, she may have just been getting over a virus that had caused some digestive upset. It’s hard to tell.

I do know that she really enjoyed drinking the Baboo and that I really liked the convenience of the little tetra pak, juice box-like containers it came in. (It’s also available in one litre tetra paks.) They have a shelf-life of four months and do not need to be refrigerated. How great is that for when you’re on the road?

I won’t likely replace her homo milk completely with Natrel Baboo (if only because the homo is so good in my coffee!) I will keep a few of the little tetra paks on hand for trips and outings and for when she’s sick and her digestive system isn’t at its best.

I was quite pleasantly surprised by how useful this product really is. And good news! You can try out a free sample yourself by heading over to their Facebook page right now:

Disclosure – I am participating in the Baboo Blog Tour by Mom Central Canada on behalf of Natrel. I received compensation as a thank you for participating and for sharing my honest opinion. The opinions on this blog are my own.