
Tales From the Toilet

For months now, I’ve been hesitant to say that Colum is toilet trained. He has been “night trained” since he was 18-months, long before he had any clue during the day. I just noticed that he could and did hold his pee all night and no longer had a wet diaper in the morning. So I did away with any diaper or Pull-up over night and, as long as we remember to sit him on the toilet at bedtime, things were good. During the day he also has impressive control and can go for several hours. As long as I put him on the toilet every couple of hours, there was no problem.

Except for number 2. If I caught him in the act, there was a chance we could make it to the toilet. Otherwise forget about it. The result is that my two-year-old boy has been happily running around in underpants without being quite toilet-trained. Sometimes he would ask to go to the toilet, but mostly I had to put him there. There were lots of accidents when my timing was off and he pooped in his underwear almost everyday for a long time. He wouldn’t sit down, though, which made for an easier clean up.

But now … he has actually been running to the nearest toilet and sitting down and pooping all on his own. (He still won’t tell us, mind you, so it’s not always a total success.) And I even had to put a pair of his underwear in the dirty clothes hamper just because he’d already worn them — not because he soiled them! Today at lunch he suddenly said, “I don’t want to go pee. No, I don’t want to go pee.” Which let me know to get him on the toilet pronto. Of course he was bursting. So … toilet trained? Maybe.

(Image courtesy of