
No Garbage, No Pools, No A/C: Summer Days, Baby


I was all set to write the long-awaited, much-anticipated, well-past-due follow up to last month’s scoop on the Liberal government of Ontario’s failure to implement full-day kindergarten by 2010. Especially since all the buzz lately is about how the gov has announced that it will begin to unfold a full-day program starting in 2010 after all. So either my sources were completely wrong (possible) or the government has just managed to put a very nice spin on being well behind on the original 2010 promise. I even pulled up the Pascal report and planned to sift through it to let you know what I think.

But you know what I think? I can’t believe how hot it is in here!? Full-day learning, or whatever they’re calling it now, will have to wait because all I can muster up right now is a tirade against the weather. The weather and the other forces that have conspired to make my life one big punch line.