I finally had my 20-week anatomical scan last Friday and it’s good news all around. There is one (singular) baby residing in my womb who scored straight normals on all counts. Seriously. Head shape: normal; profile: normal; abdominal wall: normal; genitalia: normal. I hope this kid knows that this is the last time it will get away with pulling this average crap. Not one excellent on the entire page. Pshaw.
The truth is, though, that I still cannot get over the fact that there is a little human in there. This is my third baby and my fourth ultrasound and I still do a double take the first time the tech says, “There’s your baby.” I don’t know what exactly I’m expecting. By 20 weeks I know it’s not going to look like a tadpole anymore, but I still think it’s going to be some sort of sea monkey-type creature. But no! It’s a human baby. Only one human baby and a healthy-looking one at that. Fucking A, as they say.
We didn’t find out the gender, of course, because everyone knows only the weak and morally inferior need to know their baby’s sex. *Break to guzzle Coca Cola and unwrap my second McDonald’s cheeseburger.*Burp. As I was saying, I’m still kind of in denial about this whole third kid thing and finding out the sex is just bound to make it all feel so much more real and imminent — which it is not! This pregnancy is scheduled to continue for at least another four months and I intend to enjoy our mutual anonymity while it lasts.
Oh, here’s the glamour shot: